My entire career. Learn from my mistakes.
I wish I knew beforehand what would work and not work for me. For instance, hanging and clamping do not work for me. I spent a lot of time doing it with no gains. Others may gain well from these but not I. Anyways if you are like me then you may gain like me. Here is every routine I have done from the start and attached is a picture of the progress made with corresponding dates so you can match the gain dates with the routine for it. Also you will notice that there is an 11 week decon break in there where I did nothing but ballooning, edging and piss pulls and gained about a quarter of an inch in that time.
May it assist you in maximizing gains and minimizing error.
Day 1: 1/22/13
Routine: 2 Days on, 1 day off jelq, stretch every day
• 5 min warm up
• Manual Stretching: 4 rounds directional kegel [3 sec flex/3 sec relax] 30 sec stretch “left, right, out, up” (3 rounds first 3 weeks)
• Manual Stretching: V-stretch with stick fulcrum 2.5 min x5 [5 sec PC flex/5 sec PC push] 12.5 mins (first 2 weeks 10 mins standard V-Stretch)
• Jelq 19 mins- 12 mins regular, 7 mins UV” (first 2 weeks 10-15 mins)
• 5 min warm down
Switch on 2/19/13 to:
Routine: 2 Days on, 1 day off jelq, stretch every day
• 5 min warm up
• Manual Stretching: 4 rounds directional 30 sec stretch “NE, NW, SE, SW” (bundled from 2/19 to 3/3 then back @ left, right, up and out)
• Manual Stretching: 100 quick kegels @12 O’clock then A-stretch with stick fulcrum 3:20 min x2 [5 sec PC relax/5 sec PC push] 10 mins bundled 1/2 turn to right then left. (10 mins twice a day until 3/9/13)
• Do above three times day (occasionally once a day)
• Jelq 19 mins- 12 mins @ 12 O’clock (was doing 7 mins Regular V jelq @ 12 O’clock but stopped after a couple of weeks)
• 5 min warm down
-Started hanging @ 2.5 pounds for 3 sets of 20 2 weeks prior to switch for conditioning
Switch on 3/25/13 to:
• 5 min warm up
• Hanging 4x 20m @ 10 lb to start with wood hanger / 1x 60 min with vac [Goal: 2.5 sets morning and 2.5 sets evening] (started with 2.5 lb moved up until I felt fatigue during set)
• Palm out wet jelq 20-24 mins
• 5 min warm down
*Having seemed to have lost 1/8” in the last 2 weeks, I will be switching to manual until a proper vacuum hanger can be used.
Switch on 4/1/13
Routine: 2 Days on, 1 day off jelq, stretch twice a day
• 5 min warm up
• 4 rounds 45 sec directional kegel stretch [left, down, right, out, up]
• Fulcrum v-stretch standard 12.5 mins (2.5 x5 min)
• Palm out Jelq erect 20 mins
• 5 min warm down
Switched on 4/5/13
Routine: Clamp every other day, stretch twice a day
• 5 min warm up
• Mandingo stretch x13 morning x8 at night
• Clamping 30 mins [5 min sets build to 10 min]
• 5 min warm down
Switched on 4/15/13
Routine: Clamp every other day, stretch once a day
• Clamping 30 mins [8 min sets build to 10 min]
• Mandingo bundled: 30 sec sets x10
• 3x:
Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Center: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Down Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks
Straight Out to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Out Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks
Straight Up to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Up Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks
Switched around 4/29/2013
Did a shock routine: 4/29/2013
10pm - vstretch 10 min 100 tension kegles
11pm - 100 dry jelq
12am - BTC stretch L, C, R, x3
1am - 100 wet jelq
2am - vstretch 10 min 100 tension kegles
3am - 100 dry jelq
4am - BTC stretch L, C, R, x3
5am - 100 wet jelq
6am - vstretch 10 min 100 tension kegles
7am - 100 dry jelq
8am - BTC stretch L, C, R, x3
9am - 100 dry jelq
Break 1 week
Switched on 4/5/2013
Routine: Clamp every other day, stretch once a day
• 5 Min warm up
• Hang 1 hr 20 min - to - 1 hr 40 min @ 12 1/2 lb. BTC (started SO while skin stretched BTC)
• 3x:
Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Center: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Down Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks
Straight Out to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Out Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks
Straight Up to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Up Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks
• Add Clamped SSJ x10/Head Squeezes @30 sec x3/Horse440’s x10 on 5/13/2013
Switched on 5/12/2013
Routine: Clamp every other day, stretch once a day
• 5 Min warm up / kegel exhaust PC muscle
• Hang 1 hr 20 min @ 15 lb. SD (Add 1 1/4 lb. Per week. Working toward BTC stretching skin)
• 5 Min warm up
• 4 min clamped SSJ / 2x 30 seconds clamped head squeeze 1/2 sec reps
Break until Aug 5th 2013 also starting the practice of 6 weeks on 2 weeks off
Also randomizing off days.
Start on 8/5/2013
Routine: 2 Days on, 1 day off all
• 5 min warm up/kegel exhaust
• Manual Stretching: Bundled Directional 25 kegel stretch “left, right, out, up, down” follow each with 10 R 10 L circle stretch
• Manual Stretching: V-stretch with assist fulcrum 5 min
• Hang one set @ 15 lb for 20 mins spaced 6 hours apart from routine
• Wet Jelq 16 mins- 9 mins palm out, 7 mins UV
• 5 min warm down
Switched on 8/19/2013
Routine: Hang every day, jelq 2 on 1 off
• 5 Min warm up / kegel exhaust PC muscle
• Hang 1 hr 40 min @ 15 lb. SD (Add 1 1/4 lb. Per week. Working toward BTC stretching skin)
• 5 Min warm up
• Wet Jelq 16 mins- 9 mins palm out, 7 mins UV
Switched on 9/2/2013
Routine: Hang every day, Clamp/jelq 1 on 1 off
• 5 Min warm up
• Clamp 1 10 min set before hanging
• Hang 1 hr 40 min @ 15 lb. SD (Add 1 1/4 lb. Per week. Working toward BTC stretching skin)
• 5 Min warm up
• Wet Jelq 10 mins palm out
9/15/2013 2 week break
Switched on 9/30/2013
Routine: 2 on 1 off, stretch every day
• 5 Min warm up / kegel exhaust PC muscle
• Manual Stretching: 4 rounds directional 30 sec stretch “Left, down, right” bundled
• Manual Stretching: A-stretch with stick fulcrum 12 min [5 sec PC flex/5 sec PC push]
• Wet Jelq 20 mins palm out FULLY ERECT
• Erect bends: 15 second roll stretch; down right, down left, up right, up left x3
Later same day;
• 5 Min warm up / kegel exhaust PC muscle
• Manual Stretching: 4 rounds directional 30 sec stretch “Left, down, right” bundled
• Manual Stretching: A-stretch with stick fulcrum 12 min [5 sec PC flex/5 sec PC push]
If the picture doesnt work or is not big enough, here is a link.
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