My Progress Identation
This is how it goes.
I started with a 17 cms BPEL and 15 cms Circumference erect.
10 cms BPNSFL.
I have done 106 hours of ADS with an andropenis so far in 2 months. Took me a long time to get used to it and start clocking hours.
Before the strercher I already started with manual stretches and some jeqling.
Started pumping too just now. I have done two 30 min sessions.
My flaccid seems so small and it has always been embarassing. Unfortunately I have not seen much if anything in length especially flaccid. I want my flaccid length to have at least another inch and be girthier. Off cource I am doing it for erect gains I want 19 20 cms NBPEL because the way it is now with 17 BPEL does not look good.
I am dissapointed that I have not seen any results worthy of mentioning thus far but it seemed imossible to clock 9h in ADS which should by now given me half an inch. Not sure but not hopefull. Never believed in PE in a way that would say transform my penis. That means 1 or 2 inches in flaccid extra an 1 or 2 at least in erect and of cource girth perhaps 1 inch there.