Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My Progress Identation

My Progress Identation

This is how it goes.

I started with a 17 cms BPEL and 15 cms Circumference erect.

10 cms BPNSFL.

I have done 106 hours of ADS with an andropenis so far in 2 months. Took me a long time to get used to it and start clocking hours.

Before the strercher I already started with manual stretches and some jeqling.

Started pumping too just now. I have done two 30 min sessions.

My flaccid seems so small and it has always been embarassing. Unfortunately I have not seen much if anything in length especially flaccid. I want my flaccid length to have at least another inch and be girthier. Off cource I am doing it for erect gains I want 19 20 cms NBPEL because the way it is now with 17 BPEL does not look good.

I am dissapointed that I have not seen any results worthy of mentioning thus far but it seemed imossible to clock 9h in ADS which should by now given me half an inch. Not sure but not hopefull. Never believed in PE in a way that would say transform my penis. That means 1 or 2 inches in flaccid extra an 1 or 2 at least in erect and of cource girth perhaps 1 inch there.

It usually takes 1-2 months of ‘priming the penis’ at 6-8 hours a day.

Originally Posted by Dinosaur
It usually takes 1-2 months of ‘priming the penis’ at 6-8 hours a day.

To get used to the extender? Had I followed the protocol if one study I should have been able to gain 1 inch by the end of month 3 but it requires 9h a day after week 2. I could only bare 1h to 2h a day until now where I clock 4h to 5h. Anyway I am very self conscious about my penis size. It has destroyed my life. Only had one good relationship in my life. Turned down sex multiple times. I need a 18 19 cms NPEL. I have ED problems major ones. And I have never experienced good sex where I had sensitivity during penetration and cum at the end. Sο I an depressed. Not sure I can do the 9h ADS anyway because every 45 to 1h it need blood flow and there is pain from stretching at erect length and slightly more. And you cannot go out in it. Not comfortable especially if stretching hard.

Pumping I am new but I read that longer sessions can produce results. I take it relatively easy. Not sure had I started 3 or 4 years ago if I would have been able to gain a inch or two and one in girth. Anyway my only wish is that I had a big penis. I am doing ADS and pumping now but it will show. I need a long thick flaccid as well so that a woman can fiddle with to give me erection and big erect so that I will not loose erection when I see it. I had compliments from guys I know of that erect I am big but they were smaller I remember. And the number one guy who I thought was massive when growing up as kids last time we compared I was a bit bigger but still it is deep inside me.

Even in swinger videos I see old chaps with a good 8 inch that can easily reach vagina in all positions so only the ones with big penis enjoy sex the most and comfortable with it.

Another observation I made is that most girls do go crazy for big penis. Maybe not monstrous but big. I think there is a study they prefer bigger penises over looks.

All my friends with big cocks have sex multiple women. I guess is because a big penis ad functional makes it natural for you. And there is a study that ED is prevalent in small penises. Makes sense bigger penis better sensation, ergonomics during sex. Not all the penis goes in in various positions. With a 15.5 NBPEL not that much penetrates in a spoon position does it?

If you can move to private progress I may post pics.

Do not have much hope but it has only 2 been months.

No gains thus far. Absolutely nothing.

I have been using ADS for 2 and a half months an average of 2 hours a day. Had to get used to it. Manual stretching 4 to 7 30 second stretches on all directions. Started pumping 4 days ago.

I thought I started changing my embarrassing flaccid that looks really small but I let for a few hours and I saw that it was turtling and looked awful.

Man honestly, I think you should go see a therapist or psychiatrist (I’m not sure which is which), because it seems your problems are more psychological than physical.

There’s no harm, well almost none, in wanting a bit more, as I do too (for no logical reason since I’m above average) - but 17cm is about an inch above average so you’re well equipped for sex so to speak.

I can empathize with your story as I recognize parts of it from my own life and let me tell you, neither you or I have nothing to worry about in the size department.

Hadn’t it been for me being stupid and getting myself herpes from a girl with a cold sore on her lip (yes cold sores are herpes and yes you can get them from blowjobs), which makes me a bit self conscious since I feel obligated to tell my sexual partners about it (as I should), I think my sex life would be pretty much perfect. The most annoying part is that I only had one mild outbreak over 2 years ago and nothing since then, so I feel fine and look fine but as modern medicine is today herpes stays with you forever.

Since as far as I can see from your posts you don’t have an incurable std, only a skewed sense of self and/or a slight bit of body dysmorphia** you should be fine as long as you talk to someone about your issues and work on fixing them.

Good luck getting better, friend.

** "A mental disorder via obsessive preoccupation with a perceived defect in one’s own appearance, viewed as so severe as to warrant exceptional measures to hide or fix it”

Start: ~7.5" BPEL, ~5.5" MSEG

Now: 8.5" BPEL, (9" BPFSL), 6" MSEG

Goal: 9.0" BPEL, 8.5" NBPEL, 6.5" MSEG

Indentation, I wore an ADS for 4 months 10 to 12 hours a day (homemade ADS). That was 50-60 hours per week x 16 weeks. Some where close to 900 hours total. And I gain half an inch from ADS only. I stopped gaining in the 5th month and started doing other PE stuff and now I am gaining again.

PE takes serious time and effort and the gains for some people, including myself are slow and the changes are almost imperceptible.

That’s why you get people that try PE for a month and then come here and say this is all a bunch of crap and we are all liers.

If I were you, I would go and look at the newbie routine that is posted here and start there. Follow it as best you can with full effort and you will see gains.

Measure only once per month so you are not constantly disappointing yourself. I consider anything around an eighth of an inch per month good progress. There are VERY slow gainers here that consider a 16th of an inch per month good progress.

Stick with it and you will see progress eventually.

Current 5.5 NBPEL x 5.75 Base EG - 5.25 MSEG 7" BPSFL

Short Term Goal 6 NBPEL x 6 MPEG

Long Term Goal 8 NBPEL x 7 MPEG (why not dream BIG?)

As far as ads goes I recently a few days managed to get used to it and start clocking tine in it. Like 2 plus hours of sessions stretched at erect length. But considering how painfull it was to get used to it and since aledgegly many got half an inch from newbie routine I should have gained something. Anyway it seems impossible to wear ADS alla day long. It reccoments 9h. I can only do that while sleeping but I read erection are a problem. Not sure if I should incorporate pumping in it.

My size measures big but NBPEL is small. I loose size because my penis is not straight and it erection is upwards lik 45 degree which would be good if it was a big dick. Due to bending it looks small and thin especially from the side. It is not cylindrical. If it could stay atraight and cylindrcal just like when it is in the pump then maybe I would start feeling comfortable but not. I am very insecure about it. In fact it is my number one problem in life to be honest. Like I said in the above test it describes the way I see it perfectly.


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