My story and progress to date
I first tried PE about 5 years ago but I didn’t put in the time to read the forums and learn. I’m not cut and I found jelqing difficult so my routine was mostly what I now know as Uli#3s. I was married in those days it was hard to hide the small injuries. Also my wife was tight so at about 6 NBPEL and 4.9 MEG so the motivation wasn’t that high. One day I burst a vessel just under the skin and my dick blew up so I quit.
A few months ago on holiday, my girlfriend said those horrible words that no man wants to hear, “I’m so wet and can hardly feel you”. I was devastated and eventually I asked about past lovers. We had a fight and nearly broke up. As part of reconciling we had “the talk”. Apparently her last lover was the biggest (turns out she meant longest) she had ever seen. Her ex husband was very thick. Se never cums during sex with me but used to routinely with her ex husband. It turns out that out of 10 former lovers, 8 of them were either longer or thicker than me. I did some research on penis size and statistically this didn’t make sense but on the positive side I did find Thunder’s Place.
After that I started reading the forums educating myself properly. I started the squeezes in the shower again and then started a daily routine about 14 weeks ago. I had less discipline when I started but at that stage I measured around 6.75” BPEL and 4.9” MEG with a good erection. I do have an upward curve so it is a but hard to know whether to follow the curve or not so that’s the straight measurement as I was using a steel ruler.
After about 8 weeks of fairly light Uli#3s in the shower for conditioning, I started manual stretching as well. As I mentioned, I am not cut so I don’t jelq because I don’t want a longer foreskin and I get bruising on the foreskin where is passes over the glans. At that point I started measuring BPFSL as I think that is the true bench mark for measuring length gains. At that stage I was about 17.5cm or about 6.9”.
Not long after that I started a light hanging routine, about 5 days per week at 2.75lbs for 20 mins. I am attracted to hanging because there is a lot more empirical data from the hangers, plus I am looking got base girth gains as I am narrower at the base than mid.
Around this time I also discovered the joys of the cock ring. I jokingly call it my “confidence booster” as it adds about .25” to my girth and helps keep me hard. My girlfriend loves it.
At this stage I am hanging one or two times per day for 20 mins with 2.75lbs. Today I measured BPFSL of 19.5cm or 7.7”. BPEL is around 7.2” right now. I am still doing some Uli#3s in the shower (5 x 3 sec) but going for length first. My MEG is 5.1” and 5.25” with a cock ring.
I have just started an experimental routine where I edge and kegel with a cock ring on for about 10-15 mins in bed morning and night. Today I measured 5.3” MEG with the ring. My next step is to try pumping.
In summary, my BPFSL has gone from around 6.9” to 7.7”. Note that could be some measurement error there in the initial reading but there is definitely a good gain for 4 months of work. My BPEL has gone from 6.75” to 7.2” and my MEG has gone from 4.9” to 5.1” with 5.3” on a good day while wearing a cock ring.
I have learned that like anything worth having in life, to be successful in PE you need to be dedicated. You need to be consistent and patient. It is clear to me that the people on these forums for have gained share these traits. If you are a newbie reading this then I hope that you learn something from my experiences.
Oh BTW, my girlfriend came during sex the other day!