Mydefinition's Routine

Generally I warm up in the shower with warm water and then usually:

100 x semi-soft Jelqs with baby oil.
5-7 mins in Bathmate (Hercules) to ‘inflate’.
100 x semi-soft jelqs
5-7 mins in Bathmate (X-40) as after the first session the Hercules is too tight around base.
About 50 x Jelqs
Another 5 mins in the X-40 at higher pressure (using Vacuvin to add some more pressure)
warm down with another 50 x sloooowww jelqs with low pressure

Devices Used
Bathmate Hercules
Imported from old PE database

Start 5.5" BPEL - EG 4.8" - Started Oct/14

Short Term Goal: 6.5" BPEL 5.5" EG **reached goal 6th May 2015**

Long Term Goal: 7.25" BPEL 6.0" EG