Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New to Thunder's Place


Originally Posted by iamaru
And different peoples brains/motivations work in different ways. Some of the most successful bodybuilders I’v ever met had cheerfully delusional short term goals. They never met them (in the short term) but it didn’t bother them in the least. Wacky short term goals combined with an “I will happily take whatever I can get” attitude reminds me of those guys.

As long as you have a safety first attitude and don’t try and reinvent PE? Whatever works best in your brain is fine.

No worries guys, I am honestly taking your comments seriously. I do not want to break my tool!

Shoot for the stars, and be happy with Everest, remember to stop and rest/evaluate at each base-camp on the way.

A well tailored suit is to women what lingerie is to men.

A well PE'd Penis gives girls the "Wow Eyes"

I :surf: therefore I am

Welcome ScorchingSun, good luck with your future gains and be careful.

Why would you guys say his goals are too high? If he’s safe, and committed he can reach them.

5.3" NBPEL.

BPEL 6.5-6.7" Goal: Anything!

Girth: 5" but getting bigger. ;)

Originally Posted by Naked Tomato
Why would you guys say his goals are too high? If he’s safe, and committed he can reach them.

I think it was the two month deadline that set off some red flags initially.

Keeping an open ended time-frame is the safest way to go. Good luck with your gains ScorchingSun. :)

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Originally Posted by cantlook
I think it was the two month deadline that set off some red flags initially.

Keeping an open ended time-frame is the safest way to go. Good luck with your gains ScorchingSun. :)

Thanks very much everyone!

So I tried it just about an hour ago. Used vegetable oil (was perfect for me); jelqed a little over 200 times with 5 second strokes at erection levels from 40% - 80%. Manual stretches - Kind of went my own way here. Warm-up: I essentially stuck my junk in a bowl of hot water in the shower. Did about 50 kegels about 1 second holds. I will be increasing the holds to 5 seconds, but its pretty tough!

Overall thoughts: Not bad. Will definitely need to commit to my schedule.

Commitment is key, so it’s good you discovered that early on.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by cantlook
I think it was the two month deadline that set off some red flags initially.

Keeping an open ended time-frame is the safest way to go. Good luck with your gains ScorchingSun. :)

Yeah, two months is pretty steep, maybe it will actually take half a year. Either way, progress is progress. I just hope I make some.

Originally Posted by ScorchingSun

Yeah, two months is pretty steep, maybe it will actually take half a year. Either way, progress is progress. I just hope I make some.

:) Here’s an idea, just do the exercises for your dick. Don’t think about gaining because normally, they will come if you’re on a routine and committed. Enjoy the hard erections and awesome orgasms you’ll have along the way.

5.3" NBPEL.

BPEL 6.5-6.7" Goal: Anything!

Girth: 5" but getting bigger. ;)

Originally Posted by Naked Tomato
:) Here’s an idea, just do the exercises for your dick. Don’t think about gaining because normally, they will come if you’re on a routine and committed. Enjoy the hard erections and awesome orgasms you’ll have along the way.

Yeah, exactly like going to the gym. That reminds me, exercising tonight!

Thanks NT and everybody for your comments and support! :)


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