PE Journal
Entry 1
I have to restart my PE routine recently I’ve been too busy with school and my multiple jobs. I’ve quite literally had no free time. But I’ve decided to get my priorities straight I’m attempting to find a better paying job so I can quite the two I have now and I’ve started to give up on video games and I’ve decided to cut back on going out to eat.
I’m happy to report though that my penis is starting to change in the best way possible. My episode of ED that I had experienced is gone I my erections are as hard and firm as they’ve ever been my strategy of only watching porn on weekends and abstaining from masturbation while jelqing and increasing cardio seems to have taken effect.
Seriously knowing my penis will perform every time gives me a serious boost and my girlfriend seems to enjoy it more so I’m very happy about this.
Start: 6.5x5
Current: 6.5x5
Goal: 7x5.5