Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PE log and journal

It’s been a long few days. There has been so much going on that I haven’t had time to do anything. I had several people at my house and I got sick so no PE. Hopefully today I will be able to get some PE in.

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

I’m trying to do some clamping today, but I’m noticing a thinnest in my girth. I’m not sure if it’s due to the medicine I’ve been taking to try and feel better or from lack of PE. I am hoping it’s due to the medicine. So hopefully in a few days everything will be back to normal.

Clamping day 52

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

Clamping day 53. 5 sets of 15 minutes. Yesterday I didn’t have that great of expansion or daily hang. I think it was due to all the medicine I’ve been taking lately. So today I am med free, but I think there is still some in my system. Hopefully I will have better expansion tomorrow and a better workout tomorrow.

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

Decided to throw in some pumping today also. 1 set of 10 minutes.

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

Clamping today, feeling better than yesterday. Day 54 clamping. 5 sets 15 minutes each and 1 or 2 sets of pumping-10 minutes each. I didn’t take any medicine yesterday, but I’m still feeling a little under the weather. Hopefully soon I’ll feel completely better. I hate doing PE when sick. I hate doing anything when sick.

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

Clamping day 55. 5 sets 15 minutes. I would throw in some pumping, but my pump broke yesterday. So I have to go get a replacement part before I can do some pumping again. Maybe I’ll do some light, dry jelqing.

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

Got any recent measurements? How’s the clamping going for you?

10/2008 BPEL= 6.5" NBPEL= 6" EG= 5"

6 month goal: NBPEL= 6.75" EG= 5.25"

Main Goal: NBPEL= 8" EG= 6"

No, I haven’t measured. I’m waiting for the first of next month to measure that way I will have dedicated a far amount of time to it.

As far as the clamping goes. I’ve been getting comments from my girlfriend regarding my size. She complained that her jaw was hurting her because she had to open up wider than normal during oral sex. I am noticing some slight discoloration and I believe I’m starting to get a more veiny look. Hopefully the growth is occurring also. I do remember reading that discoloration and veins occur before growth, so hopefully it’s signs of growth coming.

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

Clamping day 56. 5 sets 15 minutes. After doing some reading I am thinking I am going to do some clamping at least for 5 months or 150 days. Most likely I’ll do 150 days because if I were to go by months I’d be 3 months in and I do miss a day here and there so I’m not getting an accurate count of days clamping. So thats why I am counting it by days. Hopefully this logic and practice will yield results.

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

Clamping day 57. 5 sets 15 minutes. Light jelqing after.

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

Clamping day 58. 5 sets 15 minutes. Light jelqing after. I also have to go get a replacement part for my pump. I NEED to wear my ADS. I just forget to put it on in the mornings. So I’ll make more of an effort to remember to wear it. Maybe putting my keys around my ADS would help.

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

Frustration is hard to avoid when gains are not happening. Sticking with the daily routine is obviously the most important since history has shown that consistency is key to gains. It just fucking sucks when your not gaining. It’s hard to keep sight of your goals when this occurs, but I have to remember when this occurs is when you need to focus harder on your goals. So I am refocusing on my goals and trying to maintain a positive attitude throughout this phase of my PE life.

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

How much real expansion do you get during and after these clamping sessions? (Non fluid expansion)

Originally Posted by Pillars

How much real expansion do you get during and after these clamping sessions? (Non fluid expansion)


Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

It’s been a few days since I did any PE and I am getting back to it today. It’s just been hectic so getting any PE in has been impossible. So today is clamping day 59. 5 sets 15 minutes with pumping after.

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal


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