Pepopipu's progress
Ok, so I just wanted to mark some kind of beginning..
I started PE 5 6 weeks ago and honestly I never thought that this was going to work.. So I really never measured my weapon from the beginning.. But I remember to have 14.5cm NBP in length and 11.15cm MSG in girth. Didn’t measured BP because I didn’t understand until some research and reflection what was that for.. But now I understand that BP measure is the most accurate for following your growing journal.
Then, after the first two weeks of PE I measured and I was like 15cm NBP in length and 17cm BP.
I made (and still making) the newbie routine but instead of measure time in my sessions I calculated jelqs ignoring that erection goes down and you spend some time getting it again.. So I basically did 200 jelqs in the first two weeks, starting from 0 and gradually increasing the number day by day until making the 200, then the next two weeks increased until 400 and the last week 600 jelqs.. But that was very exhausting and in the last 200 jelqs was very difficult to get the erection back.. So I was spending like 2 hours of jelqing a day! 5 on 2 off. So that bored me and I took the next week off. In that week I made some dry jelqs after waking up in the morning without any kind of warming nor stretching.. Just only "to not loosing the flow" and started to do some short clamping and squeezing sessions because of the Tunica and, the other thing that right now I don’t remember the name, theory where it points that I need to work much more Girth if I want to see good results.
Today I started again and measured because I noticed that it looked bigger! And what was my surprise that in fact it was bigger! I reached 16cm NBP and 18.20cm BP!! In girth now I’m 11.5cm MS. Now I’m making 30 min of jelqs regardless the number of jelqs I do.. Is that like that or is correct to do the 600 jelqs?
It’s amazing to see your weapon reaching new numbers of the ruler.. But I’m still kinda skeptical until I see a little more drastic growth because I really don’t trust in the ruler and me when measuring.. You don’t know if you are putting half cm more or less.. Maybe when I hit the 7 1/2 inch (19cm) in length.. And for the girth I just want 5.25 - 5.5 inches then I would really believe. So I think that I’m not too far away from my objective :) I think that’s not too big neither small. For me that’s the perfect size.
Definitely my penis looks bigger but I don’t know how much really.. I want to reach my goals to really say that this truly works. Maybe you want to try the routine that I was following and see if that gives you some results! Maybe this goes for other newbies, like me :) Ha ha.
I always thought that having a good weapon is like having a lot of power.. Physically, psychologically and socially. Keep up the good work folks and let’s prove that PE really works!