Pussypox's Routine
I usually just take long showers, I do ten minutes stretching, then I do jelqing for ten min, stretch for five. Then I fill the pump with hot water, not to hot. Then I pump, I fell like the water helps equalize the pressure around my dick. I let the weight of the water in the cilinder and the pump hang. I usually do this part out of the shower. Then I work the blood back into my dick by doing squeezes. It has made my dock healthier, I also take l-citrulline and agmatine, and I take a-hd. I also take craze per workout. I find all of these help. I don’t use the ring attachent on the pump, because I heard of deformation, I cut the ring part out and kept the soft piece on. I also try to eat healthy as posible.
Devices Used
Imported from old PE database