Qtippp's Routine

Warm-up for like 10 to 15 minutes with a rice sock.
Dry Jelq for like 15 to 30 minutes, will use reheated rice sock a couple times in between. Usually Jelq under a blanket to stay warm. Occasional Kegels in between Jelqs. Try to keep erection between 50% and 90%, pressure: accordingly.
Warm-down for like 10 to 15 minutes with a rice sock.

When showering I usually warm-up with hot water and do a couple of Jelqs / massage / squeeze gently.
Often will gently squeeze morning erection.

Rest / workout days:
I try to keep this as varied as possible.
Imported from old PE database

01-01-2016: BPEL: 6.6" | 16,8 cm FSL: 6.9" | 17,5 cm MSEG: 4.6" | 14,7 cm