Qzwxec's Routine

1. Warm up

2. 10 minutes V

3. 5 minutes Inverted A

3. 5 minutes BTC

4. 20 minutes Dry Jelq

5. 5 sets of 20 Jelq Squeezes and 5 sets of Uli #3

6. JAI

7. Warm down

Imported from old PE database

My null dimensions are (erect length/girth) 6.9/5.5 inches and my volume is 16.61 cubic inches. Next measure is scheduled for 14/02/2014.

My short term goal is to have an increase of 7.5 % in length (7.4), 5 % in girth (5.8), and/or to have a penis volume of 19+ cubic inches.

My long term goal is to have an increase of 15 % in length (7.9), 10 % girth (6), and/or to have a penis volume of 21.5+ cubic inches.