Ready to get started properly. No more on and off foolishness, consistency.
BPEL 6.5
I’m really only using a pump at the moment. May not be permanent at first but I’m more focused on being able to do some big presex pumping (hours before). If anyone has any advice on presex pumping let me know. May get an extender soon or try out the bib starter (which I own but don’t feel ready yet because I am uncut and didnt realize that would be a major issue). Anyway going to log here officially.
I did 1 20 minute session in seal then 20 minutes without the seal in 2 x 9 at 5 mmHg.
Really low EQ today. I decided not to pump. Will shorten to 2 ten minute sessions tomorrow. Holding off on fapping for the next 2 weeks or so.
Starting: 6.5 x 5 Goal: 8 x 5.5