Results After Almost 4 Years
Hey folks. Man it’s been awhile. Haven’t got on here in ages. Last time I posted something was when a penis extender was choking my penis to death lol.
I’ve been pretty much doing my own PE thing over the years. I wrote here before that I got gains from using a bathmate pump for about 3 months. Around 6-7 months I stopped pumping. I wasn’t getting anymore results out of it and I can see that it wasn’t benefiting my penis. Though one thing I never stop doing is jelqing. When I thought of writing this out I realize "Gosh I’ve come quite far I think." Thinking back how I was originally 5 inches long and no idea how thick (definitely not as thick now. Realll big difference to back then) to now being 6.3 inches long and girth being 1.8 inches wide. It’s crazy looking back. I’m surprised my penis hasn’t keeled over lol. (Don’t keel over your penis. Listen to the pain. I’ve had my fair share of trail and erros. Don’t push it.)
So yeah I’ve been jelqing for almost 4 years now. I don’t do anything else. The results are pretty great and I’m going to continue doing my thing :)
Recently however, I started penis stretching! Since jelqing can grow your girth, I’ll add in stretching to grow the length. I’ve been stretching for 3 days now as of writing this. I have one of these I use to clamp on the head and a long shoelace string for rope.
2 ways I use to stretch.
1. Tying it around the waist (all day stretching basically) I do it when at work, going out.
2. Tying weights on it thus, hanging. I use a 1.5kg weight.
For the last 3 days, my stretching experience has been pretty great. On the first day, I stretch for a total of 4 hours. On the second day, I did 6 hours. Third day, I did 10 hours (wore it while working). I don’t have any type of problems so it’s been pretty great! However when having rope tied around your waist, the rope does dig into the skin a bit but nothing major. It’s like when you tie your pants belt too tight and your jeans are digging into your skin. It’s not tight enough to squeeze my skin in but enough to keep the penis firmly pulled. I’m pretty surprised how my movements aren’t limited when wearing it. I thought it would but I can walk or crouch like the thing was never there. I plan to keep this up for a long time and see what results I’ll get.
So there you go! That’s pretty much my progress so far. If you don’t hear from me again soon, see you in the next 2-3 years I guess haha. Take care now :)