Robiqe2's Routine
Fresh from the shower, I hot wrap for 2 minutes.
I stretch manually for 5-10 minutes.
I jelq for 15 minutes with a variation overgrip every other hundred jelqs.
This is followed by a ten to fifteen minute vacuum pump followed by what I call the “slapshot.”
The slapshot is a a grip on the base of the shaft with both hands and a inch between for space.
The penis is slapped between my stomach and chair until erect. A few minutes of slow masturbation follows
this routine ending the slapshot. I do not ejaculate during PEing.
I keep my crotch trimmed, but not completely shaved.
I PE usually three days on with a day off. During the day I try for at least 1000 kegel clamps or other
variations of the popular exercise.
Devices Used
Vacuum Pump
Imported from old PE database