Rollback113's Routine

Start off with a hot shower 5 min stretching, therecten manual jelqing first 100 strokes at 3 sec each at a flaccid state. Then get full erect then clamp at the base to hold blood flow for 3 min hold. Then the power jelqer is used at 50-75% erect at 200 strokes at 5 sec. finish off with another clamp 4 min easy on the grip then apply a lotion that has vitamin E with aloe. During jelqing I use baby oil gel with aloe it helps with repair and recovery. For good blood flow i’m taking BSN Nitrix it allows more oxygen in your system.

Devices Used

homemade power jelq

mod wrench ADS

Imported from old PE database

Starting date: 12/10/2012 = 6.000 BPEL, 4.500 mseg.7/9/2014 = 7.688 BPEL. 4.875 MSEG

Goal = 8.500 BPEL, 6.500 mseg