Slammin_dj's Routine

Wake up and immediately pump to 5hg for 10mins.

Hot shower followed by ten mins Jelqing, 10mins manual stretching.

Over the course of the day 6 x 45mins hanging SO with 3kg/6.6lbs and a couple more 10mins x 5hg pumping sessions.

ADS on for 3hrs at night.
Devices Used
Imported from old PE database

Starting again, this time it's serious.

Start: (10.2012) BPFSL: 7.5" BPEL: 7" Base EG: 5.75" Mid/upper shaft EG: 5.25" Head EG: 5"

Now: (3.2013) BPFSL: 7.8" BPEL: 7.4" Base EG: 5.75" Mid/upper shaft EG: 5.25" Head EG: 5.25"