Small penis man takes a plunge
Hi All,
I am a long term lurker who has known about PE for several years now, experimenting with it for very short durations but backing off due to negative PI’s.
I have suffered from alot of insecurity due to my tiny penile size, feeling inadequate as a man and even being teased about my small size from a woman in front of a close friend and this only further cemented my insecurity.
Truth be told I have never really been convinced that there is a legitimate way to non invasively increase penis size but I do not wish open that can of worms here.
However I am despret and thinking about my small penis everyday and I’ve gotten to the point that for me there is nothing to lose and (potentially) everything to gain and I am willing to take the risks so there is no point in sitting around and complaining when there is work to be done!
This thread will be another one in a sea of progress threads and will be nothing special, I will be incrementally leaving updates but if anything comes of PE I hope to encourage smaller guys that this stuff works for us too.
I will be starting with the Linear Newbie Routine (my penis does not respond to more advanced starter routines, I’ve developed ED experimenting in the past even with a soft grip and backed off).
I will be doing this routine for 2 months as a start to mainly condition my penis. If I see any progress I will post about it in two months, if not then this thread will be dead.
If I see results, I wish to continue my journey for 2 years after which I will post before/after pics.
If not then I suppose that I will have to accept my baby sized endowment. I’m not too old so hopefully in my lifetime there comes along some way to enlarge penis size. I have read about positive work being done with regards to this using stem cells.
Thank you for reading.
12.5”/4.9” BPEL
13cm/5.1” EG