Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Sofabug story and log

Sofabug story and log

I remember always being curious about my penis size, wondering whether I was average or small; I definitely knew I wasn’t large.

Upon my transition to adulthood, I realized and accepted my length, of assumed 5.4” NBPL. Being the self-conscious person I am, I researched average penis size and found various statistics, mostly between five to six inches. Simply knowing I was potentially about a half inch smaller then average kind of bugged me. I looked at myself in the mirror and stared at my gut and god damn man boobs. I would eat fast food almost at least once a day. I sometimes feel as if I have weak erections and that my wife does not enjoy our sex. I felt disgusted at what happened to me post graduate school. This made me realize I have to change myself.

So for the past month and a half, I started some changes in my life. Firstly, I changed my eating and drinking habits. I started drinking a minimum of 64 oz of water a day, and haven’t touched any fast food, fried food, junk food, etc. Only home cooked meals for me and no more eating after 7pm! On top of my input, I started up an output. I slowly started my way up from walking everyday for 30 minutes, to now jogging every day for 30 minutes. Within the first couple weeks, I felt so much more full of energy. That’s when I said to myself, “You know what, you might as well start jelqing and doing kegels. You have nothing to lose”. Honestly I was skeptical about the jelqing, but I knew for sure that kegeling has been scientifically been proven to improve EQ so I said what the heck, might as well.

And so began, my journey to getting my body and penis in shape. I have been following the linear newbie routine for the past month or so as well as exercising and watching my eating habits. When I looked in the mirror today, I saw that my gut was definitely smaller, and my man boobs are fading. I also noticed that my fat pad was smaller and my penis was hanging a little more than I normally recall when it’s flacid. So curiously, I measured myself when I was erect, and I could not believe it. I measured at 6.1”! I could not believe myself and let me tell you, I have measured it myself three times in disbelief.

I don’t know whether this has been because of getting my health together, jelqing, or kegels, but I promise you this, I am sold on the possibility of gains! I’m going to try and keep a log as I continue to learn all the abbreviations and general knowledge of this site!

Oops can a mod move this to the progress reports section.

That’s admirable. Although this thread belongs to the progress report section, I’ll leave it here for a while so other people in your same boat could be inspired by your story.

Good luck on gains.

Good for you sofabug, on all accounts, getting fit, getting healthy, losing weight and of course gaining size. Best check that girth too. ;)

A well tailored suit is to women what lingerie is to men.

A well PE'd Penis gives girls the "Wow Eyes"

I :surf: therefore I am

Just completed my nightly routine. I noticed the toilet paper was almost out and recalled how I could stick my penis through it. I wanted to check how much of my penis sticks through, but when I tried to put it into the roll, it wouldn’t fit. I was tempted to take measurements but I am waiting until the end of the month.

That’s pretty funny! :)

I take measurements whenever I feel there’s a change.

PE start Aug 25, 2013: BPEL 6.7" x EG 4.7" and BPFSL 7".

Paused between Dec 2013 and Dec 2014 due to injury. Careful with those rice socks!

Goal 7" x 5". Ideal is 8" x 6" but let's not even dream about that yet...!

Originally Posted by sofabug
Just completed my nightly routine. I noticed the toilet paper was almost out and recalled how I could stick my penis through it. I wanted to check how much of my penis sticks through, but when I tried to put it into the roll, it wouldn’t fit. I was tempted to take measurements but I am waiting until the end of the month.

Awesome! :)

A well tailored suit is to women what lingerie is to men.

A well PE'd Penis gives girls the "Wow Eyes"

I :surf: therefore I am

So I had to get my wisdom teeth which put me out of commission for a few days. Haven’t done any routines for a good 5 days so I decided to keep a log on excel starting starting on September 29th.

Current measurements are 5.9 inches (I think my excitement made me bias my thoughts and just say 6 inches), and 4.8 inches girth.

Current followed routine is:
10 min warm-up
Sets 10 second simple manual stretches (more sets as weeks progress)
60 jelqs (+10 every week)
10 min warm down

And of course kegels throughout the day.

So it’s a pretty simple and beginner routine. I wanted to take the slow and steady approach to see how it does for me.

Cheers to all of you in your pursuit!


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