Sofabug story and log
I remember always being curious about my penis size, wondering whether I was average or small; I definitely knew I wasn’t large.
Upon my transition to adulthood, I realized and accepted my length, of assumed 5.4” NBPL. Being the self-conscious person I am, I researched average penis size and found various statistics, mostly between five to six inches. Simply knowing I was potentially about a half inch smaller then average kind of bugged me. I looked at myself in the mirror and stared at my gut and god damn man boobs. I would eat fast food almost at least once a day. I sometimes feel as if I have weak erections and that my wife does not enjoy our sex. I felt disgusted at what happened to me post graduate school. This made me realize I have to change myself.
So for the past month and a half, I started some changes in my life. Firstly, I changed my eating and drinking habits. I started drinking a minimum of 64 oz of water a day, and haven’t touched any fast food, fried food, junk food, etc. Only home cooked meals for me and no more eating after 7pm! On top of my input, I started up an output. I slowly started my way up from walking everyday for 30 minutes, to now jogging every day for 30 minutes. Within the first couple weeks, I felt so much more full of energy. That’s when I said to myself, “You know what, you might as well start jelqing and doing kegels. You have nothing to lose”. Honestly I was skeptical about the jelqing, but I knew for sure that kegeling has been scientifically been proven to improve EQ so I said what the heck, might as well.
And so began, my journey to getting my body and penis in shape. I have been following the linear newbie routine for the past month or so as well as exercising and watching my eating habits. When I looked in the mirror today, I saw that my gut was definitely smaller, and my man boobs are fading. I also noticed that my fat pad was smaller and my penis was hanging a little more than I normally recall when it’s flacid. So curiously, I measured myself when I was erect, and I could not believe it. I measured at 6.1”! I could not believe myself and let me tell you, I have measured it myself three times in disbelief.
I don’t know whether this has been because of getting my health together, jelqing, or kegels, but I promise you this, I am sold on the possibility of gains! I’m going to try and keep a log as I continue to learn all the abbreviations and general knowledge of this site!