Squib's Routine
I use an extender four times during each day for a total of 4 hours.
Typically, I stretch 3.5 hours down and .5 hour upwards.
Alternate days, I use a wet pump while erect for 20 minutes.
9/14/2013 - I’ve increased the tension on the extender.
No issues with internal fatigue, but my skin is under considerable
tension. I now use Palmer’ lotion for stretch marks.
Addition - Extender has started slipping. No current solution.
9/21/2014 - I added some medical tape opposite the comfort strap.
I still slip on occasion, but not as much.
I’m currently peaking out at just over 140mm in the bathmate.
I started at 125mm. Also, I have a BPFL that’s closer to 6.5 than
6.25. On the downside, I’m have a hard time getting a solid
erection. This is unusual for me. Perhaps too much porn, too
little sleep, too many worries.
Oh, yes, I added heat to some of my extender routines.
Can’t hurt and might help :)
9/25/2013 - I’m definitely bigger! I don’t mean in dimensions,
I’m talking about the feel when simply going to take a wee-wee.
It’s a great feeling :)
9/28/2013 - I noticed that when limp, my skin is rolling up near my
glans. Also, I noticed fine hair growing on my shaft - Eeek!
The hairs are up to an inch and pretty tough - yuck!
I’m not doing a good job of sticking with the program,
but, I at a BPFL of pretty much 6.5 (straining :) flacid girth of
4.5. Erections are a little better, but still a bit weak.
Devices Used
Imported from old PE database