Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

StickyBiz's Progress

Hey guys,
This seems to be a good thread for me to start posting here at TP. I’m about 7 months into my PE career with minimal gain, maybe .2” in EL and EG. I started with the newbie routine for about 2 months and worked my way up to longer routines with more advanced techniques.

I am currently on day 5 of Mem’s momentous with slightly less jelqing during the night routines. My current stats are 5.75” BPEL x 4.5 EG. I also have a healthy diet, work out 3-4 times a week and take l-argenine and vitamin b supplements daily.

I will post here weekly with updates.

Starting up again after a 3 week decon break. During the break EQ went up and my measurements stayed the same.

Starting slow:
7 min rice sock warm-up + massage
25 3-4 sec over hand pinch jelqs (straight out, slightly down)
7 min rice sock warm down + massage
20 kegels

I felt higher than normal tension in the upper ligs during my first few jelqs so I tried to pull lighter but with a similar amount of squeeze.

Post workout - I didn’t think I would feel worked at all but I do.

I will add 5 jelqs and 5 kegels to each workout and this routine will be done every other day for about 2 weeks at which time I will measure and assess my progress. This time I’m keeping a really close eye on my pi’s and ni’s!


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