Well, I’m new to hanging (40 hours, still on week 3) and I am not using FIRe method, though I did use heat a few times, but don’t think I made it for my things to get to the 40+ degrees celcius inside (the skin was above that but the inner parts I wouldn’t really know).
I was using extender previously for quite a long time, and have had my newbie gains with the extender, as well as another chunk of gains on same method. But when I switched to hanger, in the first week BPEL jumped 6 millimeters and so far it’s between 7 and 9 millimeters longer than when I started. So I’m safe to say I got new newbie gains from the method switch. This is probably because with the extender I was pulling a lot in SO direction, hence stretching more tunica than ligs, on a lower tension but not that much lower and for really really long periods of time per day.
So my question to you is: have you tried doing a high weight for 5 to 10 minutes right after the first 5 to 10 minutes of the hanging session, when the dick is already warmed up, so that it creates fatigue at the beginning of the session and you work towards lower strain? I found out that works better for me on the lenght department, while having a high weight at the end of hanging session makes my dick look fatter but shorter, at least till it relaxes. Mainly because the higher stress causes more inflammation of tissues while the lower stress helps liberate chemicals that reduce inflammation.
inicial 1996: BPEL 15cm (Margin of error +/- 0.5cm) MSEG: 14.1 cm
inicio extender (sept2012): 15,5cm BPEL /14,1cm MSEG --- Hanging: inicio: Ago 21 2022 21.0cm --- Ultima medicion: Sept 1 2022: 21.6cm BPEL x 15,1cm MSEG
Meta: 28cm BPEL x 21cm MSEG -- si, quiero tenerla mas gorda que tu vieja. jaja