Terroristcock's Routine

Warm Up with rice bag for 10 minutes

10 minutes of stretches in all directions

30 minutes jelqing

Warm Down with rice bag for 10 minutes

100 Kegels

Imported from old PE database

15-Mar-2012: FL: 4.09 - FG: 4.84 - BPFSL: 6.30 - EL: 6.73 - EG: 5.51

Current: FL: xxxx - FG: xxxx - BPFSL: xxxx - EL: 7.20 - EG: 5.70

Goal: FL: 5.50 - FG: 5.40 - BPFSL: 7.50 - EL: 9.00 - EG: 6.50