Thank you and goodbye to this forum
Thank you guys for all the sharing in this forum. I have been doing PE since 2012. I seem to have some progress which 1-2cm in length but not at all in girth, although my urologist friend said it’s impossible that PE would work.
I think and hope that tonight is the last time that I do PE, because I just found additional 3 bruises on my penis with 1existing obvious bruise that hasn’t gone away for about a year. I will post the pictures later.
The reason that I want to quit is not because PE doesn’t work. I think it works a little to me, but it just takes so much time, and the result is not that much. What makes me really want to quit is that PE could potential hurt your penis. So, I would rather accept the fact that my penis is small, but to run the risk of hurting myself permanently. I would rather my penis is small than it’s slightly bigger with obvious bruises.
At last, I would like to say good luck to people who are still fighting, but please be careful, and don’t hurt yourself. Also, I would like to share some words with you. That is, if you feel bad because you see other people are better than you, then you will never be happy, so learn how to accept yourself, which is our life-long lesson, isn’t it?