The Road
Let me just explain this thread has no relation to the movie “The Road”.
I am starting this thread as a sort of PE journal like many other Thunder members. So I can better keep better track of my progress and hopefully this record will keep me committed along with my dream of having a better penis than the one I possess now.
My goals will be outlined here along with my routine and my experiences with PE.
-Attaining measurements of at least 7x5.5-7.5x6
-Improving Erection quality to diamond cutting hard
-Increase flaccid size to 5 inches in length
-Increase the size of my gland substantially
-See if my fiancee notices anything changing (I know its not a legitimate goal but hell it’ll be funny if she looks twice when I take off my pants knowhatimsaiyan )
PM workout
-Warm up in shower:5 minutes
-2-3 minutes of stretches
-100 jelqs
-50 V jelqs
-5 sets of 5 Uli #3 jelqs
-5 slow jelqs with concentration on pumping up the glans
-5 minute warm down while doing a Uli hold
AM workout
-5 minute warm up in shower
-Squat stretch
-Around the worlds 10 times
-30 jelqs
-5 sets of 3 Uli #3 jelqs done throughout the 30 jelqs
-Warm down while holding in the Uli
-L arginine
-Fish oil
-Multi vitamin
I made this routine with time in mind. I’m leading a fairly busy schedule with school, work, gym, sleep, and family/friends/girlfriend each taking up most of my day. I decided it would be better to follow a more flexible routine doing this workout 5 days a week and in the PM and AM. This way even if I miss one workout I can either make up for it the next workout or day and just count my missed workout as extra healing time. This routine adheres to the high frequency vs high volume. If I do little more often I shouldn’t over work myself and risk of injury decreases. I’ll be starting routine Monday seeing as my house water heater will be out till then. If anyone has any comments, tips, or hints or just some advice please post it up and I’ll respond as soon as I can.