Tormryn123's Routine
8min warm up with hot towel and/or submersion, 100 kegals 1 sec holds
8 min manual stretches and rotarys, 30 second holds-9 directions
Warm towel or submersion 3 min
200 jelques , moderate to easy 3 sec. Pleasant zone
3-10 second hold ulis. Easy/just enough to get expansion
3- 5 second horse squeezes / easy, just to get used to them
1 min "fire goat" rolls
5 min warm down -hot towel/ 100 kegals 1 sec holds/ or hot shower
Notes, I tried the stretches after jelque, but didn’t like the response( killed eq, and plumpness)
Growth seems to be good, so keeping it steady&easy. :-) my plan is to follow EQ ,and PIs. I get hard
As often as I can.
Other changes I made were I started sleeping naked (no underwear)
Switched to boxers if I wear underwear, but go commando when I can.
I fondle myself often to stay as plump as possible.
30 second stretches every time I go to the bathroom. 20 dry jelqs if I have time
2-3 times a week I edge and get super expanded.
*** it also took me nearly 5 month to work up to these numbers. If something killed my EQ I backed
Off. Plan on staying at this intensity for as long as I can.
Other Things Used
Edging 2-3 times a week
Imported from old PE database