Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vali's Progress Report

Vali's Progress Report

Hi everyone!

After reading about PE for longer than I’d like to admit, and trying things out but never really sticking to it (and thus not gaining much), I have decided to take things a bit more seriously.

Starting stats:
NBPEL: 16 cm / 6.3 inches
BPEL: 17.6 cm / 6.9 inches
MSEG: 12.7 cm / 5 inches

NBPEL: 18.3 cm / 7.2 inches
MSEG: 14.2 cm / 5.6 inches

For the record, I performed the length measurements seated. When standing, both NBPEL and BPEL reduce by about 1cm / 0.4 inches. Not sure if there is a "correct" way.

It might be a bit weird that I’m stating NBPEL instead of BPEL in my goal. But my thinking is: that’s what’s visible/usable at the end and I’d like that to be a bit above 18cm. If the fat pad stays the same, my BPEL goal would then be 7.8 inches, or 19.9cm. So, I want to gain about an inch in length and a bit more than half an inch in girth.
Coincidentally, my goal is close to the size that firegoat suggested in his thread on the basics, which I just found after writing down my goal!

For now, I will start out with the newbie routine; 2 on, 1 off, 3 on, 1 off. My main problem in the past was not being able to stick to anything, so the focus will initially lie on incorporating it into my daily routine and making it a habit. So, even if I don’t make any gains in this time, I’d still consider it a success.

I’ll keep you guys posted :)

Originally Posted by valioilav2
For the record, I performed the length measurements seated. When standing, both NBPEL and BPEL reduce by about 1cm / 0.4 inches. Not sure if there is a "correct" way.

As long as you always measure the same way, it doesn’t really matter.

It might be a bit weird that I’m stating NBPEL instead of BPEL in my goal. But my thinking is: that’s what’s visible/usable at the end and I’d like that to be a bit above 18cm. If the fat pad stays the same, my BPEL goal would then be 7.8 inches, or 19.9cm.

If you gain weight, the fat pad will usually get thicker. If you lose weight, sometimes you have to lose quite a bit before any of the fat pad goes away.

Fat is squishy and won’t make much difference to actual penetration. However, it can be a big factor on apparent flaccid size.

Thanks, that’s both good to know! Then I’ll just keep measuring seated.

Just finished the first session. Took about 40 minutes. I reduced the number of Jelqs to 100 for starters, and will increase them gradually. I’m also wearing an ADS for 30-60 minutes after the session (with light tension), so that it doesn’t turtle up. But I’m not sure if that’s actually necessary.

Just a quick update: I completed Monday’s and yesterday’s session. Tuesday was a rest day. I plan on measuring roughly every month; the next measurement is planned for June 23rd. So if you don’t hear anything from me until then, it doesn’t mean that I have given up :)

First month is over. Last week I slacked and didn’t get a single session in. I didn’t keep track, but probably around 10-12 sessions in total. I’ll try to improve this in the next month.

BPEL (standing): 16.3 cm / 6.4 inches
BPEL (seated): 17 cm / 6.7 inches
EG: 12.6 cm / 5 inches

The measurements are a bit lower than the starting measurements, but that could be due to a variety of reasons. I’ll just keep going. I also ordered a pump, which I plan to incorporate in my sessions.

Originally Posted by AndyJ
In my way of thinking, maintaining light tension - ADS, sleeve, cock coil, etc. - after heavy work - jelquing, hanging, etc. - is a good thing.


Keep up the good work!

Originally Posted by Domkkj
Keep up the good work!

Thanks man!

After I had to take a bit of a break, I started again today. Since my pump arrived, I also incorporated that into the session! 3 sets of 7 minutes at -5 inHg pressure. From what I’ve read, this is not enough pressure to gain anything, even though it already felt quite uncomfortable (in a positive way). Let’s see how it goes. I’ll have to take a break from pumping next week though, because I’m traveling by plane and I’m not bringing the pump.

Also, with my last measurements I forgot that my ruler actually starts at -6mm, meaning that my measurements were the same as the ones from day 1.

It’s been another month. Can’t say that I’ve improved on consistency, but I’ve definitely gotten in a couple of good sessions.
Directly after a good pump session, I have a 17cm / 6.7in BPEL while standing, and 18cm / 7.1in sitting. Girth is usually 13cm / 5.1in after. Even though it’s just a small change, I can feel it. It also feels fuller and heavier, which is nice. I know these are only temporary gains, but I hope that with time and consistency, they will become permanent.

A day later, my girth goes down to 12.6cm / 4.9in, but the length is around 16.9cm / 6.6in standing, which is a bit longer than when I started!

Congrats! I really appreciate how pumping both seems to improve the appearance and the weight/fullness. Progress is progress, no matter how slow.


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