Vince955's Routine

Day 1 Bathmate 10min in shower

Day 2 10min warm-up w/rice sock
5 min manual stretches (left,right,straight out,down) 25 kegels while holding stretch in each direction
5 min wet jelg (3 to 4 sec each
Firegoat rolls 1-2 min
5-10min warm-down w/rice sock

Day 3 Rest


Progressing over next 6 weeks to 20min w/ bathmate..15min manual stretching.. 30min wet jelq
Devices Used
Imported from old PE database

Start 1/23/14

BPEL 8.00--Mseg 5.016--Flaccid length 5.5--Flaccid girth 4.25

Long term goal 9 x 6