WasDuJetztBist's Journal of Things
What gets measured gets managed.
I’ve lurked here I think since I was 15. I’m 23 now. I have not stuck with a program for longer than a month, and have never seen any gains. I think I’ve made most of the stupid mistakes mentioned on this forum, probably several times. I still have a black spot from clamping four years ago, and probably greatly decreased sensation, though I don’t know how to measure that. On the bright side, I won’t ever have to worry about stamina.
Wed Oct 9, 2013. I’m laying here right now with a BPFSL of 7&5/8in. I can’t take any E measurements right now, because I can’t get an E. For two weeks, I was hanging for two hours per day in 12 minute intervals with 5 minute breaks. The hanger is similar to Tom Hubbard’s AFB hanger, but with much smaller sticks, and I used a green theraband loop around my foot rather than weights. Over the summer I irregularly used an air pump for up to an hour, in 20 minute intervals, at 7 in. Hg. The previous five days, I used an ADS made of theraband, rubber bands, and twine, for two to three hours per day, in 20-60 minute intervals. For four days, I used a bath-mate for 30-40 minutes per day, but only ten minutes yesterday. I came to realize on Monday, that I cannot achieve a full erection, or maintain a partial erection. I have had little to no physical exercise for the past three months. I will cease all PE activity apart from kegels until Wed Oct 16, 2013. I should be able to get the rest of my measurements then.
Last edited by Wasdujetztbist : 10-09-2013 at .