What to do now?
Hello people!
I’ve been jelqing since last August doing the newbie routine, I think I do the exercises properly and I always try to focus on the jelqing itself and I kegel at almost every stroke. I also prefer to stand for a bit of extra pressure. I did have some layoffs during this time because of school and work which would add up to three weeks I guess. But that wasn’t a stretch of three weeks. I also bought a bathmate fairly quickly that I use to warm up first and I pump (not too hard) at the end of a session for about 10 min or so. But since august I have gained nothing, no girth no length and no erection improvements. I would have liked to see at least something by now for the time I have put in. I don’t know what the best thing is for me to do. Should I continue with the newbie routine until I start gaining or go heavier? Or stop for a while and start over again? The time I spend per session now is about 45 min and I would like to keep it at around that. I just don’t have the time to do more per day and still have a somewhat normal life and be well rested. What would you recommend?
And of course, thank you. :)