Wildner's Routine
5 min warm up wrap with a warm (wet) bathroom cloth
Manual stretches:
2x30 seconds in each direction. (Down, left, right, up.)
Two sets of:
6-8 min vacuum pumping at 1-2 in hg (very low, but anything over 2 is less pleasurable, although not necessarily uncomfortable)
1 min massage
As of June 20 2013, I’ve increased the sets to 8-10 min.
5 min warm down
30 kegels holding 2 seconds
5 kegels holding 10 seconds
1 kegel holding 30 seconds
As of ~august 2013:
Incorporated jelqing into my routine.
5 min warm up
Manual stretches 2x30 seconds in each direction.
Two sets of:
6-8 min vacuum pumping at 2-4 in hg (found more vacume equally comfortable as before)
1 min massage
2 min jelq
Found that after pumping, it was difficult to get enough "erection" to jelq. This notion increased after the second set of pumping.
Also my EQ has a tendency to decrease after this type of session.
I contined with this (before this date) since I still gained. Especially length.
As of ~october 2013
Dumped pumping almost altoghether. Tried a simple jelq-only-routine.
5 min warm up.
Manual stretches 2x30 seconds in each direction.
10 min jelq.
5 min warm down.
100 kegels with a towel over erect penis (saw this on TV a while back. A guy had a stamina issue and was advised to do this. Thought I’d try it.)
2 days on, 1 day off.
Worked like a charm!! Especially for girth! Perhaps not for length yet, but I’m guessing more stetching will do.
Will continue this routine for some time until I see some other (negative) signs.
I try pumping on occation, but only for the feeling of looking at the enlarged "thing". Like pumping still, but for a different reason.
Devices Used
Manual pump with gauge
Flared cylinder
Imported from old PE database