Yoshinator's Routine
When I started
When I wake up, I do a hot towel warmup followed by 10 minutes of jelquin and about ten minutes of manual stretches.
When I wake up, I use a rice sock for five minutes do about ten minutes of stretching and clamp 3 times a week in my routine. I clamp for 10 minutes per set usually 2 sets sometimes 3 sets. I move the clamp up and down the skin while still clamped to build up pressure. It moves with the skin not over it.
I jelq for one ten minute session usually once a week.
I stretch through out the day by pulling on it every time I go to the bathroom and doing compound stretches.
Other Things Used
Imported from old PE database
Starting Measurements 03/03/2012: BPEL: 7.30" MSEG: 5.100"
Previous Measurement 11/19/2012: BPEL: 7.90" MSEG: 5.250"
Current Measurements 01/08/2013: BPEL: 8.0" MSEG: 5.250"
Goal: BPEL: 8.25" MSEG: 6.250" <-- Just a bit above the magic | How I'm getting there --> Routine and progress with pics