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The best in ADS (a video review) | LG Hanger

The best in ADS (a video review) | LG Hanger

This is a comprehensive video discussing the ADS from the LG HANGER. I hope ye appreciate it. Too, the custom dome that is debuted herein was a "made to order" item. Contact LG Hanger directly (e.g. not me) to learn more details.

Everything you need to know about this device is a click away. I truly hope you enjoy this!

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The cheap Chinese hanger kits you mention are perfectly adequate for ADS and moderate weight hanging.

Instead of the custom dome, why didn’t you just use the hanger with all vacuum released? You could even put a fitting not connected to anything else in the quick connect so you are assured nothing but atmospheric pressure.

How do you define adequate?

Originally Posted by RichPE1
The cheap Chinese hanger kits you mention are perfectly adequate for ADS and moderate weight hanging.

I always strive to be as fair and impartial as possible when doing comparisons. So I like using a grading system - Good, Better, Best.
When you say the cheap Chinese products are “adequate”, it makes me question your definition of “adequate”. Years ago before we invented toilet paper, people thought leaves were perfectly adequate for wiping their butts.
My point is that unless you can competitively compare, you can’t objectively say something is adequate.

Originally Posted by LGHanger

I always strive to be as fair and impartial as possible when doing comparisons. So I like using a grading system - Good, Better, Best.

When you say the cheap Chinese products are “adequate”, it makes me question your definition of “adequate”. Years ago before we invented toilet paper, people thought leaves were perfectly adequate for wiping their butts.

My point is that unless you can competitively compare, you can’t objectively say something is adequate.

I don’t see a diffrence between this and mines from ali Express. could you explain?

Originally Posted by LGHanger
I always strive to be as fair and impartial as possible when doing comparisons. So I like using a grading system - Good, Better, Best.
When you say the cheap Chinese products are “adequate”, it makes me question your definition of “adequate”. Years ago before we invented toilet paper, people thought leaves were perfectly adequate for wiping their butts.
My point is that unless you can competitively compare, you can’t objectively say something is adequate.

I said ‘perfectly’ adequate.

One does not have to compare it to another product for one to deem it adequate for the purpose.

Using the £20 hanger kit from eBay has given me no issues whatsoever; no slippage, blisters, or discomfort. So it has been more than adequate for the job. I don’t use the straps that came with it though; I find a shoelace better but that’s just preference.

You don’t need to defend your products here as I am sure they are great and read many positive things. You have said multiple times on here negative things about Chinese hangers though, simply to further promote by comparing; which is against the rules as you know.

The Chinese hangers do what they intend very well, and CAN handle more than 5lbs. I have hung 10lbs for 2 hours straight with the default sleeve. Also the suction device is great.

China products

Originally Posted by RichPE1
I said ‘perfectly’ adequate.

One does not have to compare it to another product for one to deem it adequate for the purpose.

Using the £20 hanger kit from eBay has given me no issues whatsoever; no slippage, blisters, or discomfort. So it has been more than adequate for the job. I don’t use the straps that came with it though; I find a shoelace better but that’s just preference.

You don’t need to defend your products here as I am sure they are great and read many positive things. You have said multiple times on here negative things about Chinese hangers though, simply to further promote by comparing; which is against the rules as you know.

The Chinese hangers do what they intend very well, and CAN handle more than 5lbs. I have hung 10lbs for 2 hours straight with the default sleeve. Also the suction device is great.

FYI - I’m critical of everything that comes from China, and have been for over 30 years. Without getting overly political, they’re eating our lunch and we’re buying the rope they make that we will hang ourselves with as a nation. Even very liberal guys like Bill Maher have recently said the same. I go out of my way to find products made in the USA and don’t care if they cost three times as much. I want to support keeping jobs in America! I’m sick of seeing American corporations selling us out. Apple built a city in China that houses 350K people. Those people work 12 hour days, six days a week for $12 per day making Apple I-phones. Ask yourself who’s getting rich off that?

Keep buying China products. Hopefully for your sake your job won’t be outsourced to China one day in the near future.

Originally Posted by brazenkane
This is a comprehensive video discussing the ADS from the LG HANGER. I hope ye appreciate it. Too, the custom dome that is debuted herein was a "made to order" item. Contact LG Hanger directly (e.g. not me) to learn more details.

Everything you need to know about this device is a click away. I truly hope you enjoy this!

Privacy info: Clicking on this image will enable content from Privacy friendly version via Piped.

Nice review. Thanks. I may pick one up.

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