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The Perfect 4AD Carrier
Alli sale esto:
Warning: The consensus among the medical professionals on this board is that this type of PE could result in infertility and permanent hormonal imbalance.
I am no expert on carriers, but the product Whitehall used was composed of 4-AD, 50mg/mL dissolved in Ethanol SDA 40 and brought to 20% with IPM.
Jones used the same but with ISOH instead of EtOH and heating before application.
Several people have used the 4-ADerm product and from what I can gather, most have not gained or not gained as much as Whitehall and Jones.
I don’t want to encourage anyone to try 4-AD, but if someone is going to do it anyway, maybe they should buy 4-ADerm and add IPM or make their own solution from scratch.
If anyone is going to make their own from scratch, I would strongly encourage you to post your math before application. I would hate for someone to accidentally make their own at 500mg/mL or 5mg/mL.
It is probably good to look at other carriers and 3-alpha, but it would also be useful to know if the results of Jones and Whitehall can be repeated.
Osea la cantidad que utilizaron y lasolucion que crearon,pero yo no soy muy bueno en ingles y no me queda claro deforma diluyeron este producto. Necesitaria ayuda de alguien que sepa ingles.
A la vez creo que seria conveniente que alguno que sepa medianamente escribir bien en ingles le mande un mensaje a Jones ó a Whitehall quines fueron los que obtubieron mejores resultados y preguntarle donde consiguieron dicha crema (4-ADerm), si sepue de conseguir en una casa dedeportes, y cuales son las caracterisiticas de los productos que utilizaron asi conseguinos algunos similares aqui, a su vez preguntarle como se aplicaron dicha solucion, y que edad tenian cunado se la aplicaron.
Como muchos habeces dudamos de la veracidad de esto creo que seria conveniente que le pregunten varios a la vez para ver sis hay incongruencias.
Tambien otros pueden sugerir otrar preguntas antes de que se las mandemos.