Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Commercial Accounts

Requirements and Limitations

Commercial accounts are strictly limited in nature, and users should be aware of these limitations before posting:

  • Commercial Member status will be given to anyone that has a PE (or PE related) item for sale, that they actually make or manufacture themselves. No other products, or affiliations, will be allowed and any links to such items will be considered spam and removed.
  • All regular Forum Guidelines apply to a Commercial Member's account, in addition to the Commercial Guidelines. Contact one of the Forum Moderators to start the process of setting up a Commercial Member account.
  • Promotion or sale of drugs, supplements, or medication is not allowed.
  • A Commercial Member's website may not contain any images that could be considered pornography, or link to other sites that contain pornography.
  • A Commercial Member's avatar may not contain any product images or company logo.
  • A Commercial Member will be allowed to post a descriptive product thread, with a link to his site, in the Products Forum. A link to this product thread may be added to the Commercial Member's signature. No direct links to the Commercial Member's site are allowed in the Commercial Member's forum posts. A link to the Commercial Member's site may be included in his profile under the homepage option.
  • Anything posted that could be deemed as hype by the moderators may be removed.
  • Posting to create a feeling of bonhomie or to create a recognizable presence among members prior to the release of a product or service will not be tolerated, and the moderators may remove posts at their discretion.
  • When posting, you may not make comparisons between your product or service and others of similar type.
  • Private messaging may be used to offer product or service support or offer a member an alternate means of communicating about a support issue, but shall not be used to introduce members to a product or service.
  • A thread listing all the members who have been given early, discounted or gratis access to a product or service should be posted before any of these members post in regard to the product or service.
  • As per the normal forum guidelines, holders of commercial accounts may not use the signature to indicate an external url, though they may use a commercial email address in their profile.
  • Direct or indirect encouragement of members to post in relation to your product or service, even in passing, will not be tolerated.
  • Using the Thunder's Place memberlist as a source for mass mailing is unacceptable.
  • Members representing companies who directly or indirectly use mass email marketing techniques will be hanged, drawn and quartered.

If these guidelines are ignored, the account will be disabled or have all posts moderated.

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