Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Forum Guidelines

General Guidelines

Be aware that the exercises discussed on this forum have the potential to cause injury, including complete impotence. If you choose to make a decision based on something you read in this forum, then you do so at your own risk.

This site has a strong, inclusive and diverse community spirit. All genders, gender identities and sexual orientations are welcome. We ask at all times that members be considerate, courteous and respectful of other members.

Our purpose is to develop a valuable resource for PE and Men's Health. You will find a lot of productive material here and we welcome your additions. The strength of this forum is that we are able to freely discuss our sexual organs and what we do with them, without the fear that this is misconstrued as sexual availability, or that we will be attacked or abused for our openness.

All members must abide by these Forum Guidelines. They do not take long to read and doing so may prevent your membership being short lived.

By applying for membership, you warrant that you are, 18 years old or older and will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws or these Forum Guidelines. Members found to have registered whilst under 18 will be banned immediately irrespective of their current age.

Registration is free of charge. One account per person please. If you've lost access to your account contact us.

If you are new to PE start here.

Nothing on this forum should be construed as medical advice. Please obtain medical advice from your doctor.

If Google has found your username and you use it elsewhere or for some other reason you need to change your username, please use the Contact Us page and list an alternative name. If you want to close your account, please use the same method and request closure.

Posting Requirements

All members can reply to any thread, in any forum. Progress picture threads must be posted in Progress Reports and Pictures.

All accounts start as New Member

After 2 weeks of membership and 30 posts, your account is upgraded to Member

After 1 month of membership and 200 posts your account is upgraded to Senior Member

  • You can start threads anywhere

Don’t expect your account to upgrade immediately, we only check a few times a day.

Important information for new members is available in our New Member Info thread.

Style and language
  • Save the slang for another forum! Use you instead of u and your instead of ur. Also 2 does not mean to or too. Got the idea?? Good !!!
  • Capitalize the first word of your post title.
  • Capitalize the first word of each sentence. Though it may be artsy and creative to start a sentence with a lower case letter, in this venue it is not preferred.
  • End each sentence with a period or appropriate punctuation.
  • Use paragraph breaks for longer posts. It's very hard for members to read a post that goes on at length without them.
  • Don't get into the habit of capitalizing complete words or entire sentences.
  • Avoid excessive use of . . . or --- in your posts. There are times it is appropriate. However, often, a period or semi-colon to break a thought and start a new one works just as well and is easier to read.
  • Please re-read your post before submitting to check for spelling errors - we have included a spell checker for your convenience, please use it!

Perfection is not required, but common sense is appreciated. Simply try to be mindful of these things in order to keep the posting quality of the forum high.

Content and Behaviour

Please do not cross post (post the same or similar threads in multiple forums), repeatedly ask the same question, or bump threads (post in threads simply to make them rise up the topic list). When quoting from another source, include a link to the source.

The following activities will not be tolerated in the forums or private messaging:

  • Any sexual reference to minors.
  • Soliciting for sex.
  • Aggressive behavior. Debate the idea, don't attack the poster.
  • Posting material from other PE websites.
  • Spamming, astroturfing, cruising, soliciting or proselytising.
  • Offering oral or topical medications, supplements or treatments, on any basis

You may not link to:

  • Porn or warez sites.
  • External sites in your signature.
  • Commercial sites you are affiliated with, unless you have a commercial account.
  • Any site, using an affiliate or referral code in the link.

The Homepage field in the Edit Profile may contain links to any site subject to the conditions above. Variance from this policy should be confirmed with Thunder's Place administration in advance.

Avatars are viewable by members and non members alike so they may not contain nudity, violence, children or any objectionable imagery. Profile pictures have more latitude.

Any member who has tested a commercial product or service must not post in regard to same until a thread containing a list of all the testers and a description of the product or service is posted in the Review Forum.

Posts on this forum are assumed by the poster and the community to be anonymous in nature. The poster may freely give up their anonymity but others with knowledge of the posters identity may not. Please do not, however, add your email address or social networking handles to your posts or signature. Instead, add them to your profile. If you see anything that you think violates these guidelines, use the report post option in the post. Although the moderators will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages.

The button also appears in received private messages. When this is used to report troublesome messages, the content of the message and an added comment will be passed to the moderators. The moderators rely on members using this mechanism to prevent private message abuse.

All messages express the views of the author, and the owners of Thunder's Place will NOT be held responsible for the content of any message. By posting, you grant Thunder's Place a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual license to reproduce, incorporate into collected works, produce derivative works and publicly perform any content you post. The moderators have the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason and will use this right at their discretion. Members with duplicate or inactive accounts will be banned or removed, at the moderator's discretion, without prior notice.

Acceptable Attachments

The maximum file size is 2Mb

All attachments have to be released by a moderator.

Pictures of PE equipment may be posted in any of the PE related forums. Please post as an attachment, not as an off-site link. Off-site links may be deleted at the discretion of the moderators. Personal progress pictures showing genitalia, should be posted in the Members Pics Forum.

Pictures are resized if they are large and watermarked in some forums. The original is retained and accessible to the posting member.

All non-PE related attachments should go in Not Covered Elsewhere or DW's Forums. No pictures showing sexual penetration of any type are to be posted. We do have a TOS/AUP that we have to abide by, so please refrain from posting pornography.

You should ensure your attachments are relevant and do not contain viruses. Attachments are limited in size.

No posting pictures of wifes, girlfriends, boyfriends, etc. Have them join the forum and post the pictures themselves.

More information on attachments here.

Where To Post

Please try to post your questions in the appropriate forum

Public Forums
Penis Enlargement
Members with Penis Enlargement experience.
This forum mostly discusses manual penis enlargement techniques as hanging and pumping have their own forums.
Penis Hangers
This forum covers the specific penis enlargement method of hanging and related non-manual subjects.
An understanding of penis enlargement and hanging terms is extremely helpful in this forum.
Penis Extenders
The use of extenders for traction based penis enlargement is often supplemental to a fuller routine. These devices are normally lower tension than hangers.
Penis Pumps
For anyone interested in vacuum pumping as part of a complete penis enlargement routine. Discussion of methods and favored devices is complimented with routines. Not for people using pumping as a fetish.
A knowledge of terms is helpful
Penis Enlargement Basics
Members new to PE should start reading here. No question is too simple, but try searching first to see if it has been covered
New Members may only start threads in this forum and the Progress Reports and Pictures forum.
Penis Enlargement Cream
The cream of the crop: some of the better penis enlargement thoughts on the site. This is the kind of penis enlargement cream that works.
You may not start threads but comments are encouraged.
Progress Reports
Charting your own progress towards a bigger penis and especially following others is another tool in the PEers arsenal.
Injuries and Treatments
Penis enlargement is not without risks. This is the place to discuss injuries, their impact and options for recovery.
This forum is for members to post reviews of products they own and are experienced in using. Detail is appreciated!
Men's Sexual Health
Sexual health matters, whether it's ejaculation control or how our general health impacts on us sexually.
Male Supplements
Supplements useful for penis enlargement or general health.
Men's Grooming Tips
How you look can affect how you feel. Look good and maybe you'll increase in confidence. Have a sense of style, look after yourself and read what others do to accomplish this.
Foros en Español: Público
Agrandamiento del Pene
Foro para el Hombre que Quiera Agrandar su Pene.
Pesos para Agrandar el Pene
Para quienes quieran hacer crecer el pene colgando pesas.
Extensores para Agrandar el Pene
El uso de extensores para el agrandamiento del pene basado en la tracción es frecuentemente un suplemento de una rutina más completa. Estos aparatos proveen normalmente una tensión inferior a la de los sistemas de colgamiento de pesos.
Bombas para Agrandar el Pene
El lugar para discutir todo lo relacionado con las técnicas de la bomba y el tubo de vacío para hacer crecer su miembro
Agrandamiento del Pene para Novatos
Para los miembros que comienzan con los ejercicios del agrandamiento del pene, donde expongan sus dudas y reciban ayuda de los más experimentados.
Salud Sexual del Hombre
Para optimizar o mejorar la salud sexual en el hombre en asuntos como: enfermedades sexuales transmitidas, calidad de la erección e impotencia, eyaculación precoz, inhibiciones, timidez, etc.
Forum in Italiano: pubblico
Pene più lungo e largo
Il forum principale dei membri con esperienza di ingrandimento pene (PE).
Pesi e estensori per il pene
Forum specifico per metodi e attrezzature relative all'uso di pesi per l'ingrandimento pene. Prima di iniziare l'hanging, informarsi il più possibile, guardare i video con le istruzioni e fare domande in caso di dubbi.
Pompe per il pene
L'uso di pompe a vacuo per ingrandire il pene, come tecnica principale o complementare;routines, equipaggiamento e ricambi. Prima di iniziare il pumping ricercare accuratamente il maggior numero di informazioni disponibili e seguìre i consigli dei vet
Esercizi di base per il pene
Se sei nuovo del PE e hai dubbi, chiedi qui, ma fai prima una ricerca per vedere se c'è già una discussione sullo stesso argomento.
I New member possono iniziare discussioni qui e in Foto Personali.
Pene più grande: focus
Discussioni ritenute di particolare interesse dagli amministratori; appariranno sulla home page. I commenti alle stesse sono benvenuti.
Salute sessuale maschile
Traumi, malattie, cure e supplementi. Non dare consigli medici specifici, si possono scambiare esperienze personali e informazioni ma evitate di fare i medici online.
Pensieri e parole
Spazio per raccontare esperienze ed esprimere idee personali.
Forums en Français: Accès Libre
Agrandir le Pénis
Allonger le Pénis grâce aux Poids
Pour tous ceux qui s'intéressent à l'utilisation de poids pour l'allongement du pénis. On parle ici de ses expériences, de techniques, d'appareils, etc.
Les Pompes à Pénis
Pour ceux qui s’intéressent à l’utilisation de pompes à vide en tant que technique principale ou complémentaire pour l’élargissement du pénis. On y discute de méthodes, de techniques, d’appareils, de routines.
Découvrir l’Agrandissement du Pénis
Un Pénis de Taille. Petit Florilège
Des articles importants sur des sujets particulièrement intéressants édités par des administrateurs. Vos commentaires seront les bienvenus.
La Santé Sexuelle au Masculin
Echangez sur tout ce qui concerne la santé masculine. Parlez de vos blessures ou de vos maladies, des traitements, des compléments alimentaires. Donnez des conseils ou des avis mais sans aller jusqu’à jouer les médecins.
Other Languages
Global Penis Enlargement
This is a place for people interested in penis enlargement to post in their native language. Now you can start new threads! No penis pictures, please.
Global Other Topics
This is a space for people to discuss topics not related to PE in their own language. If we don't have a category for your language, post here.

23 more forums are available to registered members. Registration is required to post.

Privacy Policy

This is a Penis Enlargement forum. Your privacy is important to us.

We will not sell or otherwise divulge your details to a third party. Your details will only be used in relation to your account here. We will not spam you. However, we cannot control how the data is used if you enable social networking buttons and there is always the potential for tracking en route to us.

We will contact you by email:

  • during registration
  • for password reminders

Optionally, you may opt for contact by email by using the Contact Us page

You may also enable settings to allow the following via email:

  • contact from administrators, though private messaging is more usual
  • contact from other members
  • thread or forum subscriptions
  • private messaging notification

Sending email to other members, via the board will reveal your email address to them. Setting your options to allow vCard download, will allow other members access to your email address. All fields in your profile are shared by default.

If at any time another member posts private information about you, please use the report post button in the post to tell a moderator about the issue.

We do not recommend that you set up a new freemail account for the purposes of registration: when you need a password reminder the account may have been automatically deleted. We proactively scan for and disable accounts using an email address which does not require a password for access. If you feel the need to mask your true email address, please use a solution like 33mail,Sneakemail or Spamex, where you can delete the address if you want to but where it's active when you need it.

We make every effort to ensure that the content on all our pages comes from us. External links in posts are marked with or they have previews showing the source site and a description.

Thunder's Place makes use of cookies and javascript to store information related to your use of the site and improve the usability of the site. We store an authentication cookie, to allow you to visit without logging in every time and a short lived session cookie, without which the site wouldn't work. Older parts of the site may set some other cookies, which are useless both to us and you.

Our CDN (Content Delivery Network) Cloudflare, sets a cookie called __cfduid, which is used for security purposes. Though we cannot vouch for our CDN, it would be against their stated ethos to infringe your privacy. Assuming they are trustworthy, it may actually improve your privacy to be using them by hiding your traffic to us amongst other sites, especially if your ISP is not trustworthy.

Social networking buttons are disabled by default and will not leak information to the services in question. If you enable them in your settings or by clicking on them, this will effect your privacy as the data for each page load is shared with the services you enable and they will set tracking cookies and beacons on the page. You may add your social networking accounts in your profile, to allow others to contact your through these accounts. Your account details are not needed to Like, Tweet or +1 a page. For total privacy control, use the share menu or enable the buttons, as you need them, on the page.

Beyond this, we do not have any cookies, trackers or beacons. All the software used on this site is Free Software, Open Source or has the source available to us. We can therefore be relatively confident that the software in our stack will not infringe your privacy.

When you upload a picture we store your original version, so that you may download it again. Other members see a copy of your original picture, stripped of identifying hidden information (metadata). We suggest that you take the same care with the contents of the picture, to preserve your privacy.

You are responsible for the personal details you post. Though a nickname can make it seem as though you are anonymous, if you share enough information it is possible for someone to join the dots, especially if they know you personally. This is a public place: the fact that you found it is proof of that. People you know may already be members. If you are using the same nickname on another site, expect people to join these together (contact us to change your username).

Commercial Accounts

Members who offer or intend to offer PE devices for sale must obtain a commercial account. Members deemed by moderators to have demonstrated commercial intent will also be required to obtain a commercial account.

Members provided with test equipment or access to a product without payment or on terms not available to the public may be liable to commercial account status, if they post in regard to said product.

Any person may create a commercial account or ask for his existing account to be designated as commercial. Generally, the account application should use an email adress associated with the company.

An extra text element may be added to the title of commercial account holders indicating to members the designation and providing a link as to its meaning.

There is no charge for a commercial account or any account.

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