Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Forum Syndication (RSS/Atom)


Thunder's Place can now be displayed in news aggregators, and anything else capable of dealing with an RSS or Atom feed.

Many clients will simply work by clicking one of the orange buttons where they appears on the forum.

There are various elements which effect the use of these button:

  • Location: In a category,forum or thread, the button will create a subscription which only contains threads from that forum or child forums, elsewhere the subsciption is not limited by forum.
  • Forum Filter: If the forum filter is enabled, the subsciption will follow it.
  • Authentication: When logged in the range of forums available for the subsciption will increase but authentication will be required to maintain the subscription.

Opera and the latest versions of Firefox will be able to access the syndication features directly but other browsers may require a separate client.

Note: The member feeds are for personal use, if you intend to syndicate Thunder's Place through your own site please contact an administrator and please use a guest feed.


To avoid authentication in an incapable client: log out and then subscribe, either by clicking the button in a compatible browser or copying the url to an alternate client. Some clients will allow the username and password to be inserted in the URL.

To select a source restricted to a particular language, click the flag button for the appropriate language at the footer of each page. This will not effect normal forum browsing. Alternatively to restrict the languages of any subscription and for normal forum browsing, edit Enabled Languages in the Edit Options page.


There are many RSS clients and they deal with subscriptions in vastly differing ways. Firefox created bookmarks that change as people post on the forum, Opera treats the subscriptions in a similar way to usenet news, Straw allows the grouping of channels into categories to filter multiple feeds in a controllable manner.

Whichever client seems best right now, there is probably be a new client on the horizon that will be leaps and bounds above it. Though this technology has been around for a while, it's been popularised by blogs and is picking up great corporate interest with news channels.

This section provides links to some popular clients and information on setting them up.

Firefox [Home Page] Windows
Freeware [Download] [Configuration]
Opera [Home Page] Windows
Adware [Download] [Configuration]
Straw [Home Page] Linux/Gnome Freeware GPL [Download]
deb: straw

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