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"Baseball bat"-like appearance


"Baseball bat"-like appearance

I’m at apoint in this Experiment where I”m starting to see a “baseball bat”-like appearance of my dick, meaning my dick is smaller/skinnier at the base than along the shaft. Any ideas on how to correct this?

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

Thanks for your advice.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

Ok, so I checked it out, but there are only a bunch of guys throwing around some theories, nothing really specific and nothing worth to be taken into consideration. Any other ideas?

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike


Well I don’t know what type of exercises the experiment involves, but I’ll just include my thoughts anyways….

Theres a couple reasons why you would get a baseball- bat like shape:

*Not jelqing erect enough.
*Not having a consistent grip throughout the jelq stroke.
*Not grabbing close enough to the base, when starting a jelq stroke.
*Turning your hand position as you jelq upwards.
*Lack of ligament girth at base.

Jelq Theories: If you notice when you’re jelqing at around a 50 percent erect state, and you grab your starting point of your jelq, you’ll notice that you’re slowly building up more blood through the stroke. If you’re jelqing at a higher erect state, you’re less likely to get a baseball bat like shape, because when at a high erect state, you’re likely to expand both sides of where your hand is grabbing, towards the base, and the other side of your hand, towards your penis)

So we look into ways of fixing it. I’m assuming you want to keep the midshaft and up girth, so we look into improving girth at the base.

*Obviously changing the problems above(jelqing more erect, grabbing further down the shaft of each stroke, and keeping a consistent grip)
*Finally, getting more ligament girth through manual stretches or hanging.

Thats all I could think of man.. hope it helped a little…..

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."

Thanks a lot, Bro.

Thanks, YGuy, for the advice. It does make sense and I’ll definitely look into it.

I’m an active PEer since Feb. 2000, and did the routines on and off, but I always made sure that I jelq at least at 70% erect. I grab all the way down at the base and push it in a little to get as much dick in my hand as possible.

I made good gains so far, but have re-started with full force just recently, probably August of this year after a break of a few months due to too much work.

Never had that “problem” of a baseball bat appearance.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike


When you jelq, how exactly do you do it. I mean, I want all the details. How does it feel, how erect, everything. I’ve never had luck jelqing, only with squeezes so I’n starting to think that maybe when I jelq, I do it wrong. When I jelq I get a 70-80% and grab at the base palms down and slide my hand towards my head. I use lube. Do you? When you slide your hand toward the head does it move relative to the skin? or is it more like squeezing tootpaste where the insides move more than your hand actually slides? I’m confused!

I hesitated to even say this because it is so obvious, but what about hanging? I don’t even know if you hang or not? If not then that is the best way for sure. If you do hang and still have this phenomenon then I don’t know what to suggest except trying to jelq as low to the base as possible and even pushing on the area underneath your testicles to push out more of your penis before you grab all the way at the base.



I’m not really a big fan of hanging. I’m trying to stay away from that. No offense, if it has worked for you and others, that’s great, but I have some serious thoughts about hanging some weights off my dick. I’m doing the manual workouts and use a pump on occasion.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

Yes ok. I just was not sure if you even did that or not. I believe it is the best way to get girth at the base. I don’t know of any other way. Maybe just jelq the base and not all the way.



The girth gained from hanging at the base, is it mostly due to muscles development ? If you stop hanging, will it go away ?


I don’t think it has gone away yet and I have not hung for months. The midshaft girth did go away. What causes it? Don’t know. I think it is a pulling out of your penis from the body causing a sort of effect like a tree and its roots being pulled out.


I think you right, Dance.

When one looks at the musculature at the base of the penis, it looks as if it would have to move out as a single unit for the most part. Good tree analogy! What puzzles me is how many folks claim to gain 2-3 inches in L, but never mention this effect at the base. Hell, I have minimal change in penile L and G and can see where this has happened slightly. I still wonder if those muscles can actually stretch and still maintain some degree of strength and usefullness. Seems they would be weakened if permanently stretched. groa

Vegetagd…. I jelq palms down, alternate hands, and stop at the head, and pause at the head for a couple extra seconds. I combine a routine of:
5mins jelq/ 5mins powerjelq/ 15mins power squeeze
I like squeezing more than jelqing, so I just use the jelqs more as a warm up.

I go through the whole 25 minute session straight through, no stops. I also work myself up to an erection after the session is over.

When I first start a jelq session, I start off at 50% erect, and jelq lightly, then as the session goes on, I move up to 70% erect and grip even tighter(more intensely).

I use water resistent body lotion and baby oil when I jelq. So at the start of my jelq, the base skin moves up a little, then as I continue to move my hand forward my skin stops. So my hands are only sliding towards the end of the stroke. I always jelq and squeeze standing, leaning up against the bathroom sink, my ass facing the sink.

Thats about all the specifics I could think of.. I’ll edit in more if I think of any, but the whole purpose is pushing flood forward, as long as you’re doing that, you’re on the right track. How much blood you move forward, depends on how erect you are and how tight you squeeze. I also notice if you squeeze more so on the sides of the penis, its more of a focus on girth.

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."

Look what I found on Google. Just typed in YGuy, and this came up.

Why only this post?

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."

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