Advice Needed
I’m new to the site but not new to PE but I can only post in beginners and not sure if this belongs here. Been doing PE off and on for a good while but now consistently with 1 on 1 off since Feb 12, 2022. I pump and stretch.
Anyways I got a little carried away my last pump session and I don’t know what happened exactly but most likely a broken blood vessel. There was no pain, no blister, no aching, just a small pea sized circular blood looking spot under the skin with two small streaks through it which makes me believe two tiny blood vessels broke beside each other.
Well everything healed up fine except the spot is still pink and looks almost like a burn would. It doesn’t hurt and isn’t bothersome and is pretty small but the thing is it’s 3 weeks exactly today and it’s still pink and raw looking. I’m anxious that it’s going to be permanent. Also sitting out with no PE for 3 straight weeks sucks and it feels like it should have went away by now.
Reassurance needed please.