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balls hanging? Advice Needed!

balls hanging? Advice Needed!

hi i just noticed the other night that one of my balls was hanging a lot lower then the other is this normal??? i never noticed it before , i dont know if its just me or it because ive started doing PE , anyway thanks guys.


If it’s any consolation I also hang lower on one side. My right hand ball is larger than the left probably by about 50%. I noticed this long before I started PE ing. In fact it concerned me so much so that I went to the Doc’s who refered me to hospital. To cut a long story short, after ultra scan the conclusion was that some kind of damage had been caused in the past maybe from a sporting accident, or maybe trama from vascetomy. Anyway it has not got any larger in the past 3 years.

Try self examination in the shower, if you can feel any small lumps, pay a visit to the Docs.


my right one is hanging about 50% more then the right one but i cant detect any lumps or stuff like that and i feel fine.. anyway ill give about 2 weeks if it isnt getting better ill start to worry like crazy. Im 21 by the way.


ive been reserching at the web and at and they say this ” Almost all men have testicles which hang differently - one lower than the other, as these photos show. And it is absolutely normal for one to be bigger than the other. ” the photos show clearly my case and worse too , so i dont think ill have to worrie , iwant8 go there and look at the pictures to see if its your case and let me know , thanks in advance.

My left nut is larger and hangs lower than my right one. However, when my scrotum draws up close to my body they appear to be almost the same size and the size difference is less noticable. Nothing to worry about here.

J Meister "Building a phallus worthy of worship."


If its not hurting and no obvious lumps then all should be OK. I just wanted to share my experience, which turned out to be a false alarm thankfully.

I hope this puts your mind at rest.

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