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Advice needed for PE

Advice needed for PE

Hi All, have been going through many of the posts it’s great. I needed an advice, have been following the newbie routine since 5 to 6 days, the question is when we are doing the jelqing the penis is supposed to be partially erect 60% to 80% and then we do the technique. But, after I have finished around 30-50/200 of the jelqing method my penis loses the partial erection. What should I do to maintain the erection?. Can I stroke it to have a partial erection and continue this procedure?. I have started along with the Uli Method too, how many reps should I do?. Is it important kegel should be done when there is an erection?.

Please advice, I have trying to understand the correct technique so that I may be able to do the exercises properly.Thank You.

Originally Posted by the_friendly
Hi All, have been going through many of the posts it’s great. I needed an advice, have been following the newbie routine since 5 to 6 days, the question is when we are doing the jelqing the penis is supposed to be partially erect 60% to 80% and then we do the technique. But, after I have finished around 30-50/200 of the jelqing method my penis loses the partial erection. What should I do to maintain the erection?. Can I stroke it to have a partial erection and continue this procedure?. I have started along with the Uli Method too, how many reps should I do?. Is it important kegel should be done when there is an erection?.

Please advice, I have trying to understand the correct technique so that I may be able to do the exercises properly.Thank You.

You have probably been overdoing things with the exercises. First give your routine a break for a week tto allow your penis to recover.

The when you start do not do the Uli’s. It is an advanced exercise for when you have conditioned your unit for harder exercise. So leav of that for a couple of months at least.

Good luck!

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the_friendly your routine will work better for you if you can maintain the optimal 60-80% erection level. This may mean watching porn for some while PEing, but I would not recommend it. My suggestion is to take a quick pause from jelqing to masturbate back to 60-80% erection and then resume your PE workout.

petitfaun is correct, it is to early to add ulis to your routine. I am not sure what your question was about kegels but you can do them whenever you want: in bed, in the shower, on the way to work, while you PE, etc. I even kegel when I am having sex.

Big to bigger.

Hi petitfaun & sultan thanks for you’re great advices, just tell me one thing should the kegel exercises be done when my penis is erect or it can also be done when it is not,And does kegel help in longer erection and ejaculation time.


You can do them anytime. erect or flaccid it is the muscle you are wanting to strengthen. You might get more reaction with an erection though.

I can’t be sure on tat Perhaps another Vet can give an opinion, but the strengthend muscle will give a ‘harder thrust’ so to speak; as the muscle will be driven harder.

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