Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Decon. over? Advice needed

Decon. over? Advice needed

Hello Brothers,

Well today is exactly 1 month free of PE, I can’t believe I made it! I had decided to go on a break because I hadn’t seen any gains in 6 months using Mem’s routine of 20 minutes A stretches and 20 minutes jelq. During the break my EQ and lasting time have gone way up!

This is where I am stuck however. I am very confused as to how to come back to PE. I want to start slow and not over train like I was before. Should I go back to newbie routine for a few weeks? What other stretches should I do? I’ve been considering using Monty’s Golf Weights, but I am really unsure as to what a good route is to take. All I know is, I’ve never been very good at learning things completely by myself, I usually learn through others experience. If any of you have any advice on how to come back effectively, safely, and best to see more gains I would greatly appreciate it.

What gains have you made so far? In other words, did you gain before a six month plateau or did you only PE for six months and see no gains?

6 months of mem’s routine and no gains? You must have been overtraining or undertraining. Give us more details. (starting size, gains, schedule when on mem’s routine, how you did things)

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

I’ve been PEing since October of 2006, and I had a .5 inch length gain and a .25 inch girth gain from the Bird2 routine. I am mainly looking for length, but I haven’t had any gains in the last 6 months which is why I took this break. How should I come back?

In response to spaghettidick, yes I think I was over training. I would do 20 minutes of arm-aided A stretches in the early afternoon and 20 minutes of dry jelqs at about 80-90% erection with Horse440’s mixed in every 5 minutes. I started doing this 2on/1off, then tried 3on/1off, then went back to 2on/1off. My girth did seem to get bigger during this but I gained absolutely no length, which is what I am going for. At first the A stretch felt really good but after a little bit I didnt feel much stretch anymore.

This is why I dont know if I should do more BTC stretching, golf weights, or what? I just want to break this lame plateau and get some length gains!

You have to come back slow and easy. The worst thing to do is to hurt yourself right off the bat when coming off a break meant to heal everything up. Try using a moderate technique to stimulate growth, not force it. Make your goal optimum penis health and avoid trauma and then you will start getting positive results.

So starting back with the newbie routine would be the best route?

I’m no expert but that’s my plan. Less than two weeks to go, and I can PE again.


I’m just curious, how long was the deacon break and did you lose any length or girth?

STARTING: BPEL: 5.7 G: 4.65, NOW: BPEL: 7.48 G: 5.7 GOAL L:8.7 G:6.3 (old goal; L:8.0 G: 6.0)


Disclaimer:The advices that I give of any sort are just stated on general laymen's knowledge.

Its been exactly one month off and I haven’t lost any erect gains, except for maybe a little girth, but my flaccid has definitely lost some length and girth :(

Last edited by Mr. Happy : 11-13-2007 at . Reason: lost for lossed

Do the newbie routine and read up on hanging if it’s length you want.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

WannabeXL, how it was after this decon?

Starting measures (1/1/2008): BPFL 4.50'', FG 4.50'', BPEL 6.25'', EG 5.25'' and so on .. :)

```````````````` 01/27/2009 : BPFL 5.70'', FG 5.10'', BPEL 6.90'', EG 5.60''

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