Thunder's Place

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BIB, i just ordered a bib today and needed advice

BIB, i just ordered a bib today and needed advice

First i wanted to know a good sample rountine for a begininer just starting hanging whos 6x5.. Also where do i get the weights from and what type of weights do I use? Please help me with a good routine so i can get started without ripping off my penis… Thanks alot!


Please feel free to rummage the shit out of the hanging forum. Read, read, read, and reread. It takes a bit to get an understanding. Do you have weights. Get a few 1 to 3 lbs weights and start doing the skin stretch first. That is the first part that has to be mastered before anything else. You also learn to wrap and adjust the hanger during this time. That’s all.

A good place to start is the directions on the bib-hanger page.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Everything you want to know and more is in this thread. I must have read it 20 times before I got a good understanding. Like TT said; read, read, read, and reread.

Also, check here for information on type of weights.

These guys are good.


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