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Balls hanging low problem.

Balls hanging low problem.

I’ve been jelqing about two and half weeks. After two weeks I noticed the skin of my scrotum had started stretching and my balls were hanging much lower than they were before I started PE. I use Vaseline (actually it’s called petroleum jelly, I assumed it was the same thing as Vaseline because it looks exactly the same). I use the standard overhand OK grip for my jelqing. I realize now that when I first started I would accidentally grip some of the skin attached to my scrotum because I failed to retract the skin between jelqs. Now I pull back my foreskin between each stroke to take care of this problem. The thing is, I think I’m still stretching the scrotum skin. How can I stop this? Should I stop using Vaseline? I think it may make my skin softer and therefore more prone to undesired stretching. Also, is there anything I can do to tighten the skin that I’ve stretched? It really looks terrible when I’m flacid, the balls hang a good three inches below the bottom of the shaft. Any help appreciated!

I did the same thing not making sure that the scrotum was out of the way before i jelqed and developed a turkey neck aswel.

If you’ve made sure you have pulled the scrotum back and your still stretching it then try adding more lube you might not be slippery enough.

Do not know about reversing the effects. try searching ‘turkey neck’ i think that is the term used around here for what you are describing .

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