Another thread about blister prevention
I’m just curious, do people here who have gotten blisters find that the skin becomes more and more resistant to them over time? Right now I can get blisters with 5 lbs weight in Vac-Hanger with constriction sleeve on (45min set — admittedly little long but it’s only 5 lbs!).
The constant concern about blistering is a real drag. I would like to be able to go with this low-weight long-sets hanging protocol as a sort of approach to achieving both ADS and hanging without the trouble of doing both separately (ie a compromise for convenience). However, if I can’t rely on being able to do even 5 lbs without having to frequently disengage weights, remove hanger, remove sleeve, allow edema to go down, then reapply heat for a while, reapply constriction sleeve and hanger, etc. Over and over, the process becomes very tedious and inefficient time-wise.
So anyway, have people here generally found that their susceptibility to blistering goes down over time, or is it a constantly present worry? By the way, I have attempted several wrapping and/or taping of glans approaches and have basically decided that they are incompatible with using Vac-hanger when you are uncut, at least in my case.