Best course of action for ingreown hair/pimple on shaft?
Well I’m getting back into PE and I have another ingrown hair/pimple on the side of my shaft and this one is being very stubborn, I’ve had it for about 1 month on and off and what I mean by that is that when it looks like it’s subsided it returns, I’ve popped it a few times and it seems to temporarily do some good but I’m afraid it could be bad because it might spread puss under the skin.
What is the best course of action for this? Should I just leave it alone for a few weeks? Are there certain kinds of treatments or ointments or anything that I could apply or do to speed up the healing? Technically I could PE with it but I’m afraid it would be bad, I’ve had one of these before and when I PE’d with it it left a dark spot on my shaft that is still there. I’m becoming a little bit impatient by now since it seems like it just won’t go away. :( I’m also uncut if that matters.
Any advice?