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Blood flow question

Blood flow question

I’m having trouble with getting the blood flow into my penis. I rarely ever get spontaneous erections and I now don’t get morning wood unless I try for it.

My PC muscle is pretty strong and kegeling doesn’t work unless I really force myself to get a hardon. Even then, it’s not as elevated as it used to be and the blood flows out real quick. Even my erections don’t have the same pull or feel to it when I flex or do a kegel.

I did erect jelqing with kegels and my dick hasn’t been the same ever since.
Should I hot wrap twice a day for a month while abstaining from masturbation? I go crazy when that happens and I feel miserable. The strange this is, I don’t even need to masturbate, but it feels so weird having no sex drive, I do it to feel normal.

Or should I hot wrap and kegel?

I’m willing to do whatever it takes. Help me out please!!!!!

Erect jelks may be the problem. Lay off them. Or could be something else.

How long has this been going on for you, poor erections and no libido? Also, how old are you?



If that happened to me I would lay off the erect jelqs also. I do them 1/3 of the time, but have had no problems.

Other contributing factors could be: stress, loss of sleep, caffeine.

Good luck with that, mgoblow55555.

Sep. 2003: 7" bpel x 5" eg June 2004: 7 & 1/4" bp x 5 & 3/8" eg Jan. 2005: 7.5 x 5.5 Goal: 8x6 "I always knew pe existed but didn't know where to start, until I found Thundersplace."

I stopped doing erect jelqs six months ago. I’m 22. When flaccid my dick gets hard and shriveled. I have a turkey neck and my buddy doesn’t hang like he should. Other times, it’s far too “spongy”. I have no idea.

Do you think the lack of libido is a sign from my body that I should abstain from PE and sex? Did I wreck my tunica?

When I do that it feels so weird and unnatural. It might be psychological.

All I know is that I’ve lost size, girth, head size, strength and frequency.

Hi mgoblo555,

We’ve spoken before about this because I have
the same thing. It has been 8 weeks for me and
it is still healing. I have done no PE, sex at all
for this time period and it is healing VERY VERY
slowly but it is healing.

I feel what you feel. It is stressful and depressing
and frustrating and we are impatient. Our sex drives
are lower and it feels permanent.

All I can say is that we can take comfort in the fact
that other members on this board have healed after
long LONG rests and so we should too.

My dick also gets shriveled when I don’t have an erection
and it bugs the hell out of me.

I have found that for me, no sex, PE or masterbation is
the key. I have told my girlfriend that it may be until the
end of august before we do something. This is after 8
weeks of no sex. She understands and is supportive which
helps alot. It also helps my frame of mind in that I have given
myself 2 months more to heal so I am not in a hurry everyday
to see results.

The positive thing is I AM healing albeit VERY slowly. I have
much more sensation than when I first injured it 8 weeks ago.
Because I don’t have sex or masterbate I have more morning
wood and nighttime wood which brings bloodflow which is
what we need right now. So I’d suggest you try to abstain
from anything dick related to increase blood flow. I have also
started taking L-Arginine about 10 grams/day in 3 portions on
an empty stomach. I seem to have less of a shrivelled dick
when I take it.

Stress and Caffeine KILL blood flow to the penis…so do what you
have to to avoid them both.

I tried kegels one day and it hurt my dick and another day I
didn’t so, if it doesn’t hurt you then I’d suggest you do alot
of them but because you have not let your dick heal properly
after the injury I’d avoid PE for a good 2 months.

Just my opinion.

mopek :)

What was your unit like before you ever began pe. What was your flacid and erections like then, sex drive, etc.? This could be purely psychological…pe’ers are above average intelligence and tend to think more about sexual situations and size more than others which can sometimes contribute to anxiety and sexual problems.

A heating pad is great for circulation also. Try to avoid the testicles directly, as there is much debate on the effect of heat and sperm production/infertility.

Holy crap. My attitude could not be worse. I mean I’m getting gray hairs over this and freaking out. I sometimes have to cum just to feel normal. The weird thing is that I also have 0 libido, does this have something to do with it?

I’m gonna lay off of everything for at least a few months, maybe kegeling and heat wrapping, but will things ever be the same as they were before?

I used to have six solid inches, boners every 20 seconds. Should I keep kegeling, even if my fellow feels tired? I’m moving out on my own in a few weeks, so I’m gonna eat super healthy and get back into shape. I’ve lost base girth and it feels way too spongy at times.

Will getting erections help or hurt me? When I kegel with an erection it doesn’t seem to have the right “pull” to it when I stiffen it. It feels awkward/tired. Should I abstain from kegels or do them constantly?

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