Clamping Injury
Thanks all in advance for all the people that will be able to help me or even give me a suggestion or a stress relief cause i’m decently worried right now and anxious about the injury. I apologies for the long post.
I injured myself with clamping about 3 weeks ago. Keep in mind that i’m close to my 4th year of clamping so i’m quite experienced with it. I had plenty of positive effects from it and gained a ton of girth. I didn’t do anything particularly different than what i usually do since i started, i do one single set of clamping for a max of 10 minutes at moderate pressure with my cable clamp. By moderate i mean 3 ticks tight. This for about 3 years and a half, minimal changes.
In the last month i started experimenting with a bit of a more tight grip with my cable clamp cause my penis was kinda “feeling it”, i mean i felt like he wanted a different pressure, a bit of more work. Keep in mind i started VERY light with this new grip and barely for few seconds to when i got injured which it was 20 seconds max. In the beginning i had crazy good response from doing this which resulted in very good EQ and really quick gains so i was stoked on it. I did this for maybe 2-3 times then had to stop due to vacation break.
When i came back home it’s when i got injured and tryed this technique with a 20seconds tight grip. My dick never went dark purple or brown or anything like that and i never experienced severe pain, popping feeling and i didn’t lose my erection or noticed that i injured myself immediately. All i got was a slight pain and maybe few seconds max of tingling when doing it, which happened before the vacation too.
So after that, the following day i woke up slightly hard flaccid and sore but i had a very good morning wood which happened the day after too. But i definetly couldn’t have erections, i masturbated 2 times cause i was panicking (yeah i know dumb) and it was barely hard, so i tryed to stay calm and let a week or 2 pass.
Dumbest decision was also the fact that i clamped 2 times during the past 3 weeks and everything seemed fine, i also jacked off and had very good EQ but seems to me that this stuff that i did and also the sex i had made my dick even more exhausted so to speak.
At the moment its the 3rd week and i had sex 3 times past weekend with my girlfriend, the first night i was very anxious and couldn’t keep it up. The next day i talked to her about what happened (unfortunately i had to explain her the situation, she had no idea about my PE) and seems like i relaxed and we had great sex, my erection quality was i would say 90% of what i’m used to before the injury, it was a great relief but my penis is still injured and painful.
As of now my symtoms are the following:
- Penis sore when flaccid at the base and basically if i push with my fingers on my bulbospongiosus muscle (the back of the shaft of the penis) i can feel a weird pain which is there always when i don’t push but if i do its like sharper. Like my whole urethra or the muscle there is completly inflamed, irritated or extremely tired.
- My erections are sometimes painful in the same spot i explained before and of course they are weaker than usual especially if i’m laying in the bed or standing up
- Hard flaccid is gone after week 1.
- I’m not noticing morning wood lately and seemed to me that doing clamping and sex these past weeks made my erection quality worse but i think my mind is playing the biggest role here.
- I want to also point out that i’m at the moment in a huge work/family stress situation which dramatically descreased my libido since i came back from the vacation 3 weeks ago, during the vacation i was an absolute horny beast 24/7 now i feel more like a koala sleeping on a tree for the most part of the day.
Thanks to all the PE veterans that will be able to help me with this one, i had many injuries during my PE career and some bad but maybe this one is the worst i’m experiencing or maybe i’m just not remembering my past ones.