Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Dead Skin .... greyish discoloration?


HI Everyone,

Thanks for your suggestions.

Shiver - I will take your advice about the color and cream when it is time and if the color still stays. Right now….I’d be the happiest guy on earth if my dick was well again and my only problem was color.

Phreak - I actually stopped all PE as soon as I had the injury. My focus now is to get lots of blood flow to the area. At night it’s fine…in the day is another story. I also switched to boxers and it DOES make a difference :)

CaptnHook - I will keep everyone informed about my progress. I did post about this before and will again. As for the skin specialist…. I just got a call from the doc I saw yesterday and they set up an appointment with the Urologist for me on Aug 3rd … 3 weeks away which I’m happy about so I’ll wait to see him and report back.


Hey Mopek

Hope you are feeling better. So how did the appointement with the urologist go ?

Hi Everyone,

I just came back from the urologist.

He thinks that because I still have regular blood-flow (regular nocturnal erections and regular erections with stimulation) that there isn’t much of a problem.

My main problems were slight pain and coldness on the glans whenever it would be touched even with slight pressure. He said that the coldness is not a problem, the fact that it shrivels alot is not a problem, the fact that it is bent slightly when erect is not a problem….all that matters is blood flow. The greyish discoloration is nothing important.

He did examine me and said that he thinks the tissues are still slightly damaged and that it is still healing and that it needs alot more time to fully heal - he said it’s perhaps a very minor form of peyrenns disease. It has been almost 4 months. He said I could have sex again but just to take it easy and be careful. I am to see him again in 6 months.

He also suggested 800 i.u. of vitamin E daily for the 6 months as well. He also gave me a prescription for anti-inflamitories but if it hurts I’ll just use ice.

patience patience patience…………..

Well, Mopek,

I hope you have learned your lesson. It’s been plastered all over this board that jelqing erect can cause severe damage.

In order to restore bloodflow, a good massage under a hot shower can help. If the healing process will be slow, like your doc said, and I hope she was a cute one, then be patient. Go see the Urologist.

Keep us posted and good luck with the rehab. :up:

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

Hi Mopek

Nice to hear that you will be ok. I can understand a bit what you are going through. I also have an injury by jelqing to hard at erect level but my injury is not as bad as yours. I also have a bit of coldness just under the glans but it does not hurt when i touch it. It just tingles sometimes. I did not have any discoloration. Me too i had a slight bend when erect but now when im fully erect its straight. I also went to see the doctor to get peace of mind and she told me the same thing : Just to wait and let it heal. Like you said patience, patience, patience…..

Its been two months now and i think a will need another two months to fully heal. Seems like forever sometimes.

OMG! Newbies pay attention… You have one cock, don’t abuse it.

Mopek, you need serious medical attention. Good luck.


Observe... learn from other people's mistakes.


UnCut4Big - I did see the urologist, he is theone that told me that blood flow was paramount. And I did learn a lesson…and am still learning it LOL…

The thing is, it is said that erect jelqing can be dangerous. But people here and other sites said they do it all the time with no problems and great gains. I did it myself for one year without trouble! Also, from other people’s injuries and my own, I felt that MANY MANY members that responded could not “believe” that such damage could come from jelqing - no no no … you must have done something else to it etc… so while it is said that erect jelqing is dangerous, I don’t think it is really seen that way.

Hi Willis - I’m glad to hear that your curve straightened!!!! Glad to hear someone in the same boat … and yes…it DOES seem to take forever…I estimate at least 4 more months on top of the four I already did.

JAPP - why would you say I need serious medical attention? I just came from a qualified Urologist who told me to rest it?? Your message about not abusing your one cock is valid though!

mopek :)


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