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Dead Skin .... greyish discoloration?


Dead Skin .... greyish discoloration?

Hi everyone,

I’ve had an injury for almost 3 months now from jelqing 100% erect. It was numb and cold….

The sensation is starting to return and the coldness is slowly leaving as well but it is a long process and I figure it will take another 2-3 months to completely heal.

I noticed some dead, peeling skin yesterday in the area between my foreskin and the penile head? New skin was growing underneath it but it was scary!

I also noticed that the outer area of the penis head is greyish?

What do those 2 symptoms mean?


Originally Posted by mopek
Hi everyone,

I’ve had an injury for almost 3 months now from jelqing 100% erect. It was numb and cold….

The sensation is starting to return and the coldness is slowly leaving as well but it is a long process and I figure it will take another 2-3 months to completely heal.

I noticed some dead, peeling skin yesterday in the area between my foreskin and the penile head? New skin was growing underneath it but it was scary!

I also noticed that the outer area of the penis head is greyish?

What do those 2 symptoms mean?


It sounds like tissue death due to lack of good blood supply. You must have done something to your penis which completely starved it of blood supply for several hours straight. To me this seems like it would be hard to do from erect jelqing unless you totally abused the crap out of your dick in an extreme way.


Tissue Death!

What is the solution?

I have only ever done erect jelqs and kegels. The injury started 2 days after a session of jelqing ( a session where I put way too much pressure on it) . After that I stopped jelqing, it was numb and cold for weeks….now the sensation is back, the coldness is milder but still there…but it still can’t be used because it stays shriveled all day long like it is wounded. It has been wounded for awhile now and I don’t touch it!! No PE, masturbation or sex. If I do touch it by gently massaging the area, it feels more wounded and shrivels more.

I can say that I have been very tense lately and when I am, I usually unconciously contract my diapragm and PC muscle all day long. Maybe the constant contraction of the PC muscle has been limiting the blood flow???

I wish I knew what to do…


Son of a bitch mopek! Maybe you had better do something to promote better blood circulation. I would soak in a fairly warm bath for at least a half hour every day and then vacuum pump at a very minimal pressure (maybe 3 Hg’s) for a few minutes afterward. Then, throughout the day lightly milk your penis every chance you get. Try to have many erections that are close to ejaculation with out coming. Also, take 50mg of Viagra twice a day (maybe one during mid day and one before bed).

It sounds like you really messed things up down there in a major way. If my glans were grayish in color I would be over at the doctors office as soon as possible. Does it turn white after depressing your finger tip in to it? Here’s a link to a similar injury that I had given to myself from a foreskin stretcher a while ago - Multi-clamp numbness!

This particular injury was from a one time experience that took about eight hours to occur. Had I not not untaped that contraption when I did, I am quite certain that I would have lost a good portion of my penis (the glans for sure) and most likely also my testicles due to necrosis. It put a pretty big scare in me, but fortunately at the same time I received a pretty good education on what not to do with my dick.




To be safe and find out what the problem really is, get to the doc. Dry falkay skin could be a lot of things. Allergy to a lube or soap, chapped skin, or a fungal infection. The doc is your best bet, not asking for diagnosis over the internet.

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I actually just went to the clinic….

The doc referred me to a Urologist and so now I must wait God knows how long for the appointment…but she told me that because sensitivity is back and that I am getting nocturnal erections without coldness that she is not worried and thinks that it is healing albeit very very slowly….

Road-Hogg, your point about blood circulation is a good one. I just started taking L-Arginine yesterday (9 grams/day) and also ordered some NO2X and will take that as soon as it arrives. I can get erections so I’m not sure viagra will be necessary but hopefully these 2 supplements will help. I need most flow during the flaccid stage as the penis spends more time flaccid than erect, and when it is flaccid it is shriveled.

The grayish color is on the ring around the head…it does turn white after I pinch it but automatically changes back in nanoseconds.

Originally Posted by mopek
I actually just went to the clinic….

The doc referred me to a Urologist and so now I must wait God knows how long for the appointment…but she told me that because sensitivity is back and that I am getting nocturnal erections without coldness that she is not worried and thinks that it is healing albeit very very slowly….

Road-Hogg, your point about blood circulation is a good one. I just started taking L-Arginine yesterday (9 grams/day) and also ordered some NO2X and will take that as soon as it arrives. I can get erections so I’m not sure viagra will be necessary but hopefully these 2 supplements will help. I need most flow during the flaccid stage as the penis spends more time flaccid than erect, and when it is flaccid it is shriveled.

The grayish color is on the ring around the head…it does turn white after I pinch it but automatically changes back in nanoseconds.


Please keep us posted on what ever your urologist says or prescribes to you. The reason why I suggested Viagra wasn’t just for better blood flow during your erections, but also for better blood flow while you’re flaccid. I don’t know if you realize it or not, but Viagra can have a lasting effect on penile blood flow in the flaccid state as well supposedly lasting up to twenty-four hours.

What do you mean by saying “ring around the head” - you shouldn’t have a ring around your head. Being that your regular doctor referred you to a more expensive urologist, and you live in Canada under their national healthcare plan, I can only assume that what ever problem you are experiencing with your penis is a pretty serious one.

I hope everything turns out okay for you as it did for me when I previously had a similar injury.


Hi Road_hogg,

Thanks for the viagra update - I didn’t know that it helps supply blood all day long. I will try the 2 supps I have for about 2 weeks and see how they help. If there isn’t much change I may buy some viagra. Do you know of a good place to order it?

Yeah, the urologist (or any specialist) is free but you wait until your next life to see them. Actually the doc said that she thought everything was ok in her opinion but “to be sure” she said she’d refer me to a urologist.

As for “ring around the head” …. picture a slight greyish color where the foreskin touches the head about 2-3 mm in width….the greyish color is limited to circling the outer head area.


I’m glad to hear the doc’s prognosis. Was she good looking? I’ve never had a female doctor check over my privates, although there was a female nurse (fat and ugly) present during one of my genital examinations.

Originally Posted by mopek
As for “ring around the head” …. picture a slight greyish color where the foreskin touches the head about 2-3 mm in width….the greyish color is limited to circling the outer head area.

Can you get this “grayish color” to change to a more healthy pink color during an erection (if not, it’s dead tissue)? Most likely this is only skin discoloring caused by excessive pressure and is unrelated to tissue death. However, skin sloughing in my case was caused by severely reduced blood circulation for a very long time, which didn’t give me the luxury of any pain or discomfort as it was happening.

Quite some time ago, I received a fair sized dark spot (.25” diameter) of necrosis near the top of my circumcision scar as a result of staying t-taped too long with out checking up on everything. Apparently the skin must have been pinched in that area causing it to lose blood circulation. As soon I saw it I knew right away it was dead tissue that couldn’t be revived. Even to this day it’s still slightly noticeable because the new skin cells that filled that void must be pigmented a little darker similar to the likes of a scar.


Originally Posted by mopek
Yeah, the urologist (or any specialist) is free but you wait until your next life to see them.

What part of Canada are you in? If you are in Toronto, Ottawa or Vancouver you can pay to go to The Men’s Clinic. THAT IS WHAT I WOULD DO!!

This is your penis we are talking about — pay now and get on the right track to healing!

Commander Blop

Thanks Commanderblop!

I do live in Ottawa. I will check this out and post my experience!!!

Road_Hogg….the doc wasn’t pretty…but if she was I still wouldn’t care as I was not fully functional.

When erect the whole glans does get more pinkish but a hue of the grey remains….if it is tissue death I hope new cells replace it soon….they should since I can and do get full erections at night. Thank God for night time!!!! Nocturnal erections, blood flow and warmth.

I actually just called the mens clinic.

The office in Ottawa is now merged with the one in Toronto so I would have to go there.

What they do is offer 2 medical visits. Cost is around $335. First visit is 2 hours and the doc takes a complete history as well as blood tests. He also gives you medication that should give you an erection for 45 minutes and they monitor that.

The next consult is to go over results and treatment.

I would have to take a bus there and back, stay overnight at a hotel, pay the fee and then any meds….about $600+ in total. Certainly worth my penis!!

I will have to arrange time to go down etc…

I can’t offer any advice on the immediate issue, but when you’re further down the road to recovery, you can reduce skin discolouration with a cream. The best mix I found was to get some cocoa butter type skin cream, and mix in as much MSM as will stay dissolved, then crack open a few Vit E caps and give it a good stir. Results are gradual (6-8 weeks) but it reduced a penny size dark red/blue scar on my foreskin that I’d had for over 15 years (after an all day adolescent wankathon that left the skin *deeply* raw).

Good luck at the clinic. At least from your description you have blood flow so it’s going in the right direction.

dead skin, discoloration, blue-ish coloration, very dark skin all around the cock, any of these issues means one of two things. 1) You’re doing too much PE, or 2) you’re good blood circulation.

Try dropping off your PEing by half the time and see if that doesn’t help. Also, try to your genital area warm as much as possible…I know in Canada it’s probably hard to do :D …and take warm/hot showers/baths, be sure to warm up your area down south both before AND after PEing (and actually, taking a hot shower after PEing is a great way to ensure that you will have good bloodflow down there), just think of all sorts of things you can do to keep that area warm and comfortable.

Also, something I notice helped a lot with me is wearing boxers instead of boxer-briefs/briefs. For some reason, I seem to have less circulation issues when I let it all hang down. =) Maybe that will help some.

Also, this should go without saying, but eat healthy. I’ve noticed my own PEing has really kicked ass ever since I started putting back the chips, cokes, candies, and other crap foods at the grocery store, and started replacing them with good healthy foods. The better you eat, the better your bloodflow will be (generally), so maybe this can help you out as well.

Above all, if your situation doesn’t clear up, even after trying all of the stuff mentioned in this thread, I would suggest laying off of PE for a while…sometimes we just overwork ourselves and have to give it a break…if you don’t, your nerves/skin cells in your dick might actually die and that means a perma-flaccid cock. Kinda defeats the purpose of PEing doesn’t it? Heh.

Interesting story - it’s very good of you to be so forthcoming about this problem because we can all learn from it. I hope things turn out okay and I hope you keep everyone posted on your progress.

One thing: Maybe I’m just uninformed, but are there no qualified skin specialists located in your town or nearby who might examine your unit and provide a diagnosis for $600.00?
Even if it cost a bit more, at least you would save yourself the hassle of traveling.

Forgive my ignorance - I’m just curious.

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