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hello, dry skin, discoloration

hello, dry skin, discoloration

hi, first of all I would like to apologize for not entering the forum for more than a month. I have been without a PC.

Since december my dick´s skin has been kind of dry and darker. After some days it gets ok but when I restart PEing I kind of get it again. It does not seem to be a serious matter but I don´t like it. How can I avoid it?
For a moment I felt that I have reached a point of skin irritation due to many years of PE. But why? I always use baby oil and creams.

I thought the pump would be better than jelquing regarding dry skin…but it seems to be the same.

I suggest you consult a dermatologist about it.

I suggest you drink more water aswel and only wash your cock with moisturising soap with a neatral PH balance, such as dove soap. Also buy some vitamin E cream and mix it with cocoa butter lotion and apply once hanging/stretching is done for the day.

Avoid eating white flour products, as this can cause dry flakey skin. Consume more vitamin E and C aswel. Phamaceutical grade fish oil is also beneficial for skin, it must be pharmeceutical grade, not health food grade.

Drink atleast 3 liters of plain water each day. Even more is better. In hot weather the ammount must increase ofcourse. I drink 6-8 liters per day and I live in a cold/medium climate and I weigh 280lbs. If you only weigh 140lbs then cut that amount in half, taking into consideration what temperature it is each day.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Last edited by Gottagrow : 01-28-2004 at .

A lot of good information in the above post. I would add moisturize with a decent lotion a couple times throughout the day. This has helped me quite a bit as my dick has been getting very dry (it’s -4° here without the windchill factored in). I’ve been using Nivea (skin firming) lotion and Lubriderm (whichever is closer at hand at the moment).

Thank you very much for the advice. Josip.

I have been having a more extreme problem lately everytime i do any girth excercises. The skin on the undershaft keeps getting pretty raw and takes my dick out of action for a good few days. every time i think it is ok and start doing my excercises it just happens again. I use lube for jelqing and dont do any dry jelqs to i dont know why this is happening or how to stop it. it getting me mad because girth is the one thing i need more than anything else

Are you new to PE? It may just take your skin a little time to acclimate. I’d also moisturize with (good) lotion regularly and drink extra water if I were you.

Order Vitamen K Cream, it’s amazing stuff. Apply twice a day.This stuff will really really soften your skin, improves texture and stretch marks. Heals bruising and blood spots very quick and also heals veinous leakage. It’s amazing stuff, it’s worth what little money it costs.

Discoloration will take time to fade away, more than a few months.

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